Cabin Fever

"Winter is a season of recovery and preparation." - Paul Theroux

G and I have been snowed in for almost 4 days in Virginia Beach! Our city was hit with a blizzard that is rarely seen in our area. We even lost power during the first day snowed in! Nonetheless, we made the extra time spent at home worthwhile. 

Below are tips on how we fought cabin fever!

  1. Declutter, clean, or organize your home. Take this time to clean out your house! I cleaned out my closet and took time to decide whether to toss, donate, or sell items.
  2. Listen to a podcast, or read a book. While snowed in, I was finally able to listen to all of my podcasts! Also, I started reading a new book! It's so nice to have downtime, and catch up on my favorite hobbies! 
  3. Binge watch a show. I'm very much into Netflix and love finding different shows to watch! For the past several weeks, I've been addicted to Friends. I was so thrilled in knowing that I'd be able to watch several episodes of this fantastic show.
  4. Try new recipes. You all know that I love to cook. During this time, I used out my new Air Fryer my mom got G and I for Christmas! Trying new recipes and playing with gadgets has been a blast!
  5. Get some much needed rest. Unfortunately, I don't get many opportunities to sleep in. With this snowstorm, I've gotten much needed rest. I have been able to wake up on my own time, make a cup of tea, and lounge around the house - it has been absolutely glorious!

What are some things you do when you're snowed in?

XO, Analise