Spring Cleaning

"I look forward to spring cleaning and putting things in their place. It's therapeutic for me." - Kimora Lee Simmons

Spring has sprung! I absolutely love spring. It is the start of a new season, and to warmer days! I prepare for this moment in many ways. One of my favorites activities is spring cleaning! As you all know I'm a huge neat freak, and cleaning is something I take very seriously. I typically clean out my closet each quarter, just to make sure everything is in tip top shape.

Today I'm sharing my tips and tricks for the ultimate closet clean out!

  1. Toss. Donate. Sell. Keep. This is a phrase I live by when I'm cleaning out my closet. I create four piles and indicate which item goes into the category. The Toss category is for any item that is worn out and no longer worth keeping. These items are typically damaged or broken beyond repair. Donate are for the pieces that have been used, but are still in decent condition. These items can certainly be worn again but may not be worth re-selling. The Sell pile is perfect for gently used pieces. I get amazing luck on selling my purses that are in excellent condition! My favorite pile is the Keep! When I see what I'm left with in my wardrobe, it gives me a great idea of items that need to be replaced. I make a list of my must-haves and begin updating my closet. Also, I uncover some amazing pieces that suddenly appear during my closet clean out :) 
  2. When was the last time you wore it? My ultimate rule of thumb is, if I haven't worn the piece in the last 6 months, it has no place in my closet. If there are items that are collecting dust let it go. With these items you can donate or re-sell them if you find that you're not getting much use out of it anymore.
  3. Check the fit! If the piece doesn't fit get rid of it! When the article of clothing is too tight, there is no sense in trying to hold onto it. Also, if the item is too big, take the piece to a local seamstress and see if alterations can be made. I've done this for a few items that I really love and didn't want to get rid of. 
  4. Does the piece match your current style? My style has changed and evolved over the years. It's really important to acquire and keep quality pieces that fit your lifestyle. If an item doesn't match my current style, out it goes!

What are some of your tips for spring cleaning your home?

XO, Analise