
"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." — Rachel Zoe

There are a few times each year when I really treat myself! My 29th birthday is in a week, and it's time for me to splurge a little. I decided to purchase a clutch I'd been eyeing for a few months.

This monogrammed navy pebble grain clutch by GiGi New York was the perfect gift to myself. Some may ask, "Why would you treat yourself during your birthday month when you're already receiving gifts from others?" 

Below are several reasons as to why it is important to "clutch" special items or moments for yourself during your birthday month.

  1. You deserve it. You made it another year! Whether it be a new pair of shoes, a trip, or a massage - do something just for yourself!
  2. Don't rely on others to get you the things you really want. I've always had this mentality. Growing up, my mama always taught me to save a few dollars for those luxury items I really wanted. Her quote was, "You work hard Analise, always make sure you treat yourself to a little something now and then." Years later I still remember that, and live by that mantra fully!
  3. Celebrate yourself. No one knows you better than you! Reflect on the "peaks" and "pits" you encountered over the year. Celebrate your milestones!
  4. Have your cake and eat it too. It's the one day a year where it is about you. Live a little! Make sure you do everything that means the most on this special day.

What are some ways you treat yourself on your birthday?

XO, Analise