Home Sweet Home

"What I love most about my home is who I share it with." — Tad Carpenter

G and I purchased our home almost three years ago. Many of our friends and co-workers ask about our home buying experience, as well as how we've adjusted to being homeowners. The hubby and I both rented before we decided to have our dream home built in Summer 2015. The journey was great for both of us. While it hasn't been super easy, owning a home is something we both really wanted and absolutely love to this day. One of our favorite day dates is to go up and down the aisles of Home Goods, then to our favorite wine shop to do a tasting afterwards.

Today I am sharing a few tips we learned during the home buying process, as well as several of our favorite decor items.

  1. Save, save, save. This was a biggie! G and I ended up getting new construction and opted out of a home that was already built. We didn't want to go through the hassle of doing upgrades out of the gate. Make sure you have a solid savings account to prepare for the home buying process. You'll need to provide the bank a statement to prove that you have the sufficient funds in acquiring the house. Also, it will come in handy as you begin furnishing your new home. It is also key that you have money stowed away just in case you need to fix or upgrade items once you move in. Money is very important, but make sure you check your credit as well, and keep tabs on it throughout the home buying process.
  2. Location is everything. It is so important to determine the area you want to live. We knew the exact location in which we needed to build our house. Our home is close to both of our families, in a fantastic school district, and a growing area. Building our home in a neighborhood in which the resale value would increase was very important. Ultimately, G and I knew that this area would be home for 5-10 years. Also, if we did outgrow our home, it would be a fantastic rental property.
  3. It's an investment. Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you'll make. Make sure when you purchase your home you don't end up house poor. Our bank granted us a massive loan - way more than we felt comfortable with. G and I decided to review our finances, and agreed on a monthly mortgage that we'd both be comfortable with. With that we knew certain home upgrades we'd pass on upfront and acquire later down the line. Also, the main objective was to be able to live comfortably and happily in our home. Make sure that whatever you purchase makes sense for your lifestyle and doesn't drain your budget. Your home should enhance your wealth and most importantly add value.
  4. Take it one step at a time. Once you move in, make sure to take one room at a time. Do not rush to furnish your home in the first month. Like I mentioned before, we had our own places before moving in. The majority of our home encompassed furniture from our previous places. One amazing tip we were given, is to purchase some big items before moving into the house. A few months before G and I closed on our home, we bought some key pieces that were absolutely needed. We had those items delivered on move-in day, and they were already paid for!

What are some things you learned during the home buying process? Also, are you looking to buy a new home?

Happy house hunting!

XO, Analise