Kitchen Tips & Tricks + Spotify Playlist

“Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love.” - Giada De Laurentiis

I’ve received a lot of questions around how I create my dishes at home. But, the most frequent question I get is, how do I make the time to cook throughout the week?

When it comes to preparing weekly meals, time management and planning is key. Luckily, my day job is closely related to Project Management, and I’m super organized, so translating my professional skills to the kitchen was pretty simple. But, I totally understand that not everyone enjoys cooking, or may find the task daunting - so hopefully I can change your perspective on that today!

I’m sharing how I’m efficient in the kitchen, my meal prep process, and some of my favorite songs to play in the kitchen while I’m cooking.


analisemia · Playlist · 0 songs · 0 likes

Tip #1: Pick a day to meal prep

My meal prep day for each week is Sunday. This is the day where I plan out meals for the entire week. Choosing a day is half the battle - but once you set a regular schedule it becomes second nature. On this day, I pre-chop veggies, identify which proteins my husband and I’ll cook, and set aside any ingredients we’ll utilize for our dishes. This is super helpful, because there is no surprise to what we’ll be eating for the week, and it really helps streamline our cooking process.

Tip #2: Schedule and plan meals in advance

Knowing what you eat before you step into the kitchen makes the process so much easier. A common misconception that most people have is that you have to cook every single day - if cooking meals at home 3 times a week is your preference, then that’s okay - do what works for your lifestyle!

When I was working solely in a office 5 days a week, I’d only enjoy my home cooked meals about 4 days a week. Now, that the pandemic has been happening since March, I’ve been working from home, thus I’ve been cooking about roughly 5-6 days a week.

Also, one thing that I do to help me plan our meals in advance, and prevent myself from over or under eating, is to plan dinners ahead of time. I created a Google Doc, in which I’ve shared with my husband to outline what dish we are having each day of the week, with slots to show what evening we’ll splurge on takeout. Not only does this help us know what we’ll be eating ahead of time, but it’s also a really good budgeting tool.

Tip #3: Organize your pantry and fridge

You eat with your eyes, and having your fridge and pantry organized will really help your cooking experience. Knowing what is in your kitchen will ease and calm your mind before curating dishes.

I love utilizing clear containers and labels to help keep my kitchen organized - this makes everything super accessible. Also, the clear containers to store nuts, flour, sugar, or cereal will help you immediately see if you are running low on something.

Keeping an organized kitchen will also prevent you from overspending on the items you keep stocked in your pantry or fridge.

Tip #4: Create a grocery shopping list ahead of time

Whether you prefer grocery delivery, pickup, or like to walk down each aisle - ensure you know exactly what you before stepping into the store. This will absolutely help you save money, time, and you’ll be so glad in the long run.

Tip #5: Select recipes before stepping foot in the kitchen

If you have a recipe you are dying to try, read through it before going into the kitchen. Make sure you have every ingredient, and kitchen tool to successfully create your dish.

Tip #6: Listen to music, a podcast, or watch your favorite TV show while you cook

For me, music sparks creativity. I love playing music while cooking, and it makes the time in your kitchen literally fly by!

Not a music person? Play your favorite TV show that you can cook to! Whether, you're feeling nostalgic and want to watch old episodes of The Golden Girls or Fresh Prince, or you want to watch the newest Netflix show sensation - make your cooking experience fun!

Tip #7: Find a kitchen partner or video chat with a friend while whipping up a meal in your kitchen

Having a kitchen partner will also speed up your cooking time. One of my favorite things to do is cooking side by side with my husband, or watching him cook on the grill in our backyard, and chatting. It makes it fun and we are able to bond while doing something we enjoy doing!

If you live alone, video chat a friend while you cook! Cook the same recipe and talk one another through the cooking process. Share tips and tricks, while casually chatting throughout your experience.

Tip #8: Be patient, have fun, and master one dish at a time

The most important tip I can share when it comes to cooking is to make it fun and be patient! One thing I did was learning to master a dish one at a time. For me it was my mother’s chicken wings - one of my favorite things to make. I mastered my mom’s wing recipe, and then began to make other variations.

Cooking is something you can make fun, and mastering a new dish can be so rewarding. So, get creative, don’t take the process too seriously, pour a glass of wine, and get cooking!

XO, Analise

Dining In: Hostess with the Mostess

“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.” - Guy Fieri

Hosting is one of the things I love doing in our home. Creating meals for your favorite people and making your home cozy, is the best thing a host can do. I absolutely love having family and friends over. Whenever we plan a get-together, G and I always make sure that we have the best items in our kitchen, to showcase the food we’re serving to our guests.

Today, I’m sharing the essential items I keep handy when hosting a party, and what I use them for. Also, I’m dishing on some of my favorite menu items that I love serving in or on these gorgeous Williams Sonoma items!

Monogrammed Charcuterie Board + Cheese Knives

I absolutely love cheese, and any opportunity to showcase a variety of cheeses and fruits for your guests, is one you should most certainly take. Having a cute monogrammed board adds a personal touch in your kitchen. This item is perfect to gift to newlyweds at their wedding or housewarming event.

Favorite Cheese: Trader Joe’s Creamy Toscano Cheese Soaked In Syrah (cheese + wine pairings)

Condiment Bowls

If you you serve food that has an assortment of dipping sauces, having a small bowl to hold it in is ideal. Sometimes having a variety of condiment bottles out can be cumbersome, and take up a lot of counter space. The small condiment bowls are perfect to portion out the appropriate amount of serving sauce needed for the guests to enjoy.

Dessert Stand

Whether you love baking cakes, cookies, or brownies, showcasing your delicious baked goods on a pedestal is always perfect. It is the most ideal centerpiece for your event, and catches the eye of your guests. I always love serving guests around two different dessert options, it gives them options to select the perfect treat to enjoy.

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies (recipe)

Platter + Tray + Bowl

Platters and trays are perfect to have chicken, steak, and a variety of other meats or appetizers for guests to nibble on. I love having multiple items of goodies for guests to enjoy at our home. It’s always my rule of thumb to serve at least two different types of proteins - typically beef or chicken hold up the best. Also, I love having a variety of veggies and fruits as well, especially during the warmer months!

Favorite Dishes: Lemon Pepper Wings (recipe) & Oven Roasted Red Potatoes (recipe)

Pitchers + Beverage Dispenser

I love using a pitcher or beverage dispenser for my guests to enjoy some wonderful cocktails! My friends love my red sangria, as well as my tequila cocktail. The beverage dispensers are perfect for guests to grab a drink at their leisure, without requesting another glass from the host. I love having more than one pitcher or beverage dispenser available at our event. That way, each guest can have a variety of options to choose from when they need to refresh their glass.

Favorite Cocktail: Tequila, Champagne, and Lime Cocktail (recipe)

Wine Coaster + Wine Glasses

Wine is one of my favorite things to serve at our party! I love pairing wines with the different dishes that we make. Also, Champagne is something that is always served in our home. Whether we add bubbly to our cocktails, or serve it to our guests to sip on, its one of our favorites. It’s so important to buy the right amount of bottles for your party, and if you have a few leftover, it’s perfect to enjoy at a later date!

Favorite Wine: Wine Guide

Placemats + Napkin Rings + Place Card Holders

For a sit down dinner, it’s absolutely essential to have the proper place settings for your table. To add a personal touch, having cute accessories to dress up your table, truly catches your guests eye. Adding pops of color, or elements of gold or silver really help brighten up your centerpiece!

XO, Analise

Kitchen Confidential

“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.” - Gordon Ramsay


Cooking is one of my passions, and I love sharing my recipes and experiences in the kitchen. Learning new recipes and making some of our traditional family meals are so much fun. I enjoy making dishes that my friends and family will love. Today I’m finally answering a question I get quite often, “What are the essential food items you keep in your kitchen?”

I’m sharing a few of my favorite items that I always keep on hand to make a lot of my home cooked meals.

  • Olive Oil: I use olive oil almost daily. It’s great to pair as a dressing with lemon for a light arugula salad. Also, I use it in my marinades for cooking meats, like chicken or steak. I always stock up on this item, and keep it near by when I’m cooking.

  • Fresh Produce: I prefer eating and using fresh produce in dishes. We stock up on apples, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tomatoes, and avocados each week. It’s great because a lot of the fruit we purchase are great for snacks or when we’re on-the-go in the morning.

  • Spices & Herbs: I cook with a lot of spices and having an amazing collection of this item will be a lifesaver. Lemon Pepper, Black Peppercorn, Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes, Cinnamon, Seasoned Salt, and Paprika, are just of the few spices that I use on a daily basis. Also, having fresh herbs like cilantro and basil is super important too!

  • Flour: I love to bake, and during the holiday season, I’m making a lot of desserts for our families. Also, whenever we are in the mood for some amazing comfort food, like my Mom’s delicious Fried Chicken recipe, flour is an absolute must.

  • Rice: This is always great to have! You can pair it was a protein like steak, chicken, or shrimp. A favorite of mine is adding a variety of veggies to it as well. Also, if you have soy sauce on hand, you can make a yummy fried rice dish too!

  • Eggs: They are perfect when baking or even preparing for brunch on the weekends! Also, I love hard boiling them for a quick snack, especially during the weekdays. This item is packed with a lot of protein, and always great to keep in the fridge.

  • Fresh Vegetables: Cucumbers, carrots, arugula, onion, cabbage, mushrooms, jalapenos, and baby broccoli are among the many items we like to keep in the kitchen. They are perfect to add in salads, or a garnish to any dish. I always feel like veggies add a great balance to any meal.

  • Bread: We love a great loaf of fresh ciabatta bread! This is something I don’t always have in the kitchen, but when we do, it doesn’t last long. It’s perfect for BLT sandwiches or dipping in balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

  • Cheese: Good cheese is hard to come by, and this is definitely a treat we keep on hand. It is great to add into many dishes, or just by itself, with some amazing bread and wine …

  • Wine: Speaking of wine! Well, of course I would add this item to the list! I love pairing a glass of wine with a delicious meal, and we are always stocked with some great bottles from our fave wineries or local wine shop!

What are some of the items you keep stocked in your kitchen? Share below!

XO, Analise

What's Cookin'?

“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” - Alan D. Wolfelt

Cooking can be hard, but it doesn't have to be! I got my love for cooking from my Mom. My Mama is an amazing cook, and everything I learned in the kitchen she taught me. She has made our family the most amazing meals for years, and still continues today.

When I lived on my own for over three years, I rarely cooked, there was simply no need. Yet, once G proposed my Mom started teaching me some of our secret family recipes, and made sure I knew the fundamentals of cooking. Now, I really enjoy cooking and making simple, and delicious meals at home.

Today, I am sharing some of the wisdom my Mom taught me, a few lessons I personally learned along the way, as well as some of my favorite kitchen items.

  • Prepare ahead of time. This is a huge one! I go to the grocery store at least once a week. When I head to the store, I make a list ahead of time to make sure I stay on track and on budget. This helps me with meal prepping and ensuring we are covered for the week. I find that when I'm prepared ahead of time, we eat out less and our meals are much more healthy. Also, G and I have Meal Prep Sundays, we outline what meals will be made for the week. G loves helping me out, and we learn new dishes together!
  • Keep your kitchen clean and organized. Knowing what is in your kitchen is essential to the meal prep process. Keeping your utensils, pots, and pans clean as well as in good condition will help in the preparation of a dish.
  • Read recipes in advance. Practice makes perfect, and I got quite a few recipe books to learn how to create amazing meals at home. I review recipes ahead of time to ensure I have the proper ingredients as well as right utensils. I'm a big advocate of not wasting time, and this preparation tip helps me the most when making dishes for the first time.
  • Use quality and fresh ingredients. Now that I'm approaching 30, it is super important that I use quality ingredients. Fresh fruits and veggies really elevate the dish! Also, a lot of the proteins I purchase are organic and farm raised. G and I no longer purchase items that have a lot of hormones in them. We see a significant improvement in our health, and feel so much better!
  • Have the proper kitchen tools. It is important to have the right knives, pans, and several other kitchen utensils to make your meal. This will ensure your meals will turn out absolutely amazing. Kitchen items can get super pricey, so we are always on the hunt for good deals.
  • Be flexible and have fun. Cooking is something I really enjoy, and even though it can be a daunting task, it's so much fun. Practice makes perfect, and it certainly takes time to learn how to make a great dish! We have gone to several cooking classes, and learned new techniques. Also, it's great to test out our new recipes on our families, it brings us so much joy to share our food with others.

Happy cooking y'all!

XO, Analise

Home Made

"Your home should tell the story of who you are, and a collection of what you love." - Nate Berkus

Crate&Barrel has fabulous home decor to make your house very cozy! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite pieces from the wonderful store. Many of these items we own and absolutely adore. My top priority is for our home to be warm and inviting to our guests.

Below are my favorite items I love most! They are a great addition to any home!

What's In Our Home

  1. Marble Board - We love this piece. I use it for cheeses and different items for my guests to nibble on!
  2. Throw Blanket - I get cold very often. Having a few blankets throughout the house is a must.
  3. Vases - Flowers are one of my favorite things. Often times when I go grocery shopping I'm likely to snag a beautiful bouquet of blooms. Also, G gets me flowers quite often. It's wonderful to have a nice vase to display them in!
  4. Red Wine Glass - Olivia Pope is one of my faves! So when I found out Crate&Barrel had the "Scandal" wine glass, it was a game changer for me. I immediately got one, and proudly use it on Thursday nights when the show airs!
  5. Serving Bowl - This is one of my favorite bowls to use when I make a large salad for my guests. It is gorgeous and goes with everything!
  6. Wall Mirror - I love mirrors - they make the room feel bigger and more open!
  7. Marble Wine Cooler - This is perfect after I open a bottle of white wine or champagne! Not only is this piece gorgeous, but it keeps your wine chilled.
  8. Lidded Baskets - These items are so functional! The baskets are very stylish, and can hold whatever you like. I like to throw in extra linens or blankets for guests!
  9. Tray - I enjoy using trays to style my tables and countertops. They organize our books, candles, and keepsakes.
  10. Wreath - We have several wreaths that we swap out for each season throughout the year. They always brighten up our door!
  11. Hurricane Candle Holders - As you all know I love candles! These holders are gorgeous and will go with any home decor.
  12. Grommet Curtains - I absolutely adore these curtains! They have an elegance to them and make our downstairs space so lovely.

What are some of your favorite household items?


XO, Analise


Photos Courtesy of Crate&Barrel