Bride Guide

"Here comes the bride ... "

Getting engaged was one of the most exciting moments of my life. When you say "Yes", to that special someone and decide to spend your life together, it's an amazing feeling.

Yet, the time spent planning a wedding can be super intense. If you are not careful, you can get lost in the moment. Today, I'm giving some advice to the newly engaged, bride-to-be. These tips are a few things that I learned during that special time in my life.

  1. Keep calm. You will be pulled in a million directions - cake tastings, venue tours, and flower selections. Make sure to keep yourself calm, focused, and well rested. This time should be exciting, and not draining.
  2. Surround yourself with supportive people. When I was engaged to G, there were a lot of people who were supportive and kind. Then there were those who weren't so happy for our special moment. Surrounding yourself with a great support system truly makes all the difference in the world.
  3. Put you and your partner first. Unfortunately, people will try to make your wedding about themselves. They will try add their two-cents into your special day. At the end of it all, it's about you and your soon-to-be spouse. If the two of you want a chocolate cake wedding cake ... get it. Don't make decisions based on people's expectations. Do what is best for the both of you, and what makes you the happiest.
  4. Stay healthy. It can be a busy and chaotic time. Personally, I was working full-time, wedding planning, managing family expectations, and coordinating the bridal parties. Make sure to stay healthy - mentally and physically. Consistently work out, eat well, take a break, and get some rest. During my engagement, I went to yoga or barre class a few times a week, and scheduled a 90-minute massage once a month. These activities were key for me to stay healthy.
  5. Embrace every moment. We planned our wedding for about 12 months. It was a fun but very busy time. G and I made it a priority to enjoy every moment. The wedding day went by super fast! Make sure you take a moment to step back and embrace the moments leading up to and on the big day.

Tip: We scheduled date night once a week during our engagement where we did not talk about the wedding planning process at all!

What are some things you are looking forward to on your special day? Also, if you are a Mrs. what were your favorite moments from the big day?

XO, Analise