Uncorked: Upper Shirley Vineyards

"Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life's most civilized pleasures." - Michael Broadbent

This past weekend my husband surprised me with a private tasting with the owner, Tayloe at Upper Shirley Vineyards in Charles City, Virginia.  Yet, that wasn't the only surprise waiting for me! My best friend Alisha and her husband were waiting for me on the steps of the vineyard. It was an absolute fantastic way to kick off my birthday week!

I'm really lucky to have a sweet husband who is so thoughtful to include one of my closest friends on an important milestone.  Alisha and I have been best friends since college, and one of the many things we love is wine.

Upper Shirley is one of my new favorite vineyards in Virginia. The owner is amazing and is passionate about his wines. We were fortunate to learn about the vineyard and all that they are doing. It is rare that I like every single wine on the tasting, but this place made it happen! Not only were the wines amazing, but the food is to die for, and their chef is awesome! It is definitely worth a visit.

Today I'm sharing my top four picks from Upper Shirley along with Alisha's selection too!

My Top Picks

The Petit Verdot and Tannat were my favorite reds! I absolutely adored the Chardonnay and even ordered it to drink at their restaurant for lunch! You all know I'm a sucker for anything with bubbles - the Blanc de Blanc is one of my favorites too! 

What I took home: Blanc de Blanc & Tannat


Alisha's Top Picks

Alisha loves all things bubbly! She adored the Rose and Blanc de Blanc. The Viogner was her favorite white wine - and honestly it is one of the best ones we have ever tasted! Alisha really liked the Tannat a lot - this wine is amazing!

What she took home: Sparking Rose & Blanc de Blanc

Enjoy and Happy Sunday Funday!

XO, Analise