The A-List

"Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments!" - Jurgen Klopp

Enjoying the most delicious cheeses, and pairing them with the perfect wines at Tinto Wine & Cheese!

Enjoying the most delicious cheeses, and pairing them with the perfect wines at Tinto Wine & Cheese!

My lovely hibiscus plants are finally blooming on our front porch! 

My lovely hibiscus plants are finally blooming on our front porch! 

Two glasses of Merlot from Rosemont Vineyards.

Two glasses of Merlot from Rosemont Vineyards.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a dear friend in celebration of my promotion.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a dear friend in celebration of my promotion.

A surprise gift from my sweet husband.

A surprise gift from my sweet husband.

The most lovely wine wall at Mermaid Winery, in Downtown Norfolk.

The most lovely wine wall at Mermaid Winery, in Downtown Norfolk.

One of the most delicious glasses of red wine at a new favorite restaurant, The Buthcer's Son.

One of the most delicious glasses of red wine at a new favorite restaurant, The Buthcer's Son.

Happy Friday everyone! It has been super busy lately, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are gearing up for Father's Day, and finalizing summer plans with friends and family.

It is an exciting time for us. G and I are settling into our new jobs, while making sure we balance time together.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

What's new with you guys?!

XO, Analise