Statement Pieces For Your Home

"I like my house to be unique to me. Sure, I've bought plenty of things out of a catalog, but the way I put them together in my home is special. You might have bought your sofa at a major home decorating store, but the rug you found at the flea market is so unique, it takes your room from 'carbon copy' to 'simply yours' in no time." - Nate Berkus

Creating a cozy home is a major priority for us. We love finding unique pieces to help reflect our personalities. Also, G & I love having people over and entertaining, so a space that's warm and inviting is a must.

Below are six pieces to help elevate any home and create the perfect statement for you or your family. 

  1. Bold Lamp - When I rented my first apartment, I found every possible way to make my small one bedroom home to feel unique. I got creative, and found that a lamp could really brighten up the place! There are so many gorgeous lamps that are really fun to design your home with. Also, it is nice to get away from the traditional lamps and get something that matches your personality. 
  2. Eye-catching Wallpaper - Wallpaper can really transform a space, and it super easy to put up! Whether it be an accent wall in your bedroom, half-bath, or living room - this item can really open up your space if installed properly. Also, I do not recommend wallpaper in a full bathroom - the steam from the shower can totally ruin this work of art.
  3. Majestic Mirror - I love mirrors - they always make your space feel much bigger than it is! There are so many stunning pieces, so get creative and find one that fits your home and space.
  4. Over-sized Wall Art - Artwork is where you can really show off your personality. We love going to different home decor stores to see what is available to give our space a refresh. Also, there are times we can't find the perfect piece. Instead, we will get a photo printed and framed to create something special for our home.
  5. Crystal Chandelier - Chandeliers really give a bold statement in a home that may be lacking some larger wall space. Also, this provides an excellent source of light to any room.
  6. Stunning Sideboard - If you are needing extra storage space in your home, a sideboard is the perfect addition. G and I currently on the hunt for one to store some of our china and glasses! This is so perfect for any home, also you can use this piece as a bar, or to showcase some unique pieces.

What are your favorite pieces in your home that stand out? Also, are you on the hunt to adding some new items in your home?

XO, Analise

The A-List

"Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments!" - Jurgen Klopp

Enjoying the most delicious cheeses, and pairing them with the perfect wines at Tinto Wine & Cheese!

Enjoying the most delicious cheeses, and pairing them with the perfect wines at Tinto Wine & Cheese!

My lovely hibiscus plants are finally blooming on our front porch! 

My lovely hibiscus plants are finally blooming on our front porch! 

Two glasses of Merlot from Rosemont Vineyards.

Two glasses of Merlot from Rosemont Vineyards.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a dear friend in celebration of my promotion.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a dear friend in celebration of my promotion.

A surprise gift from my sweet husband.

A surprise gift from my sweet husband.

The most lovely wine wall at Mermaid Winery, in Downtown Norfolk.

The most lovely wine wall at Mermaid Winery, in Downtown Norfolk.

One of the most delicious glasses of red wine at a new favorite restaurant, The Buthcer's Son.

One of the most delicious glasses of red wine at a new favorite restaurant, The Buthcer's Son.

Happy Friday everyone! It has been super busy lately, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. We are gearing up for Father's Day, and finalizing summer plans with friends and family.

It is an exciting time for us. G and I are settling into our new jobs, while making sure we balance time together.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

What's new with you guys?!

XO, Analise

Beauty Sleep

"Sleep is the best meditation." - Dalai Lama

Who doesn't love to catch some zzzz's?! A good night's sleep is something I take very seriously. Personally, I try to aim for 8 to 9 hours of rest each evening. I'm a morning person, typically I wake up around 5:30 AM. Going to bed early works absolute best for me.

When G and I purchased our home, the master bedroom was one of the first rooms we designed together. We went to many stores to find the perfect pieces for our space. Yet, Wayfair is one of our favorite places to purchase home decor! 

Having a peaceful and comfortable bedroom really helps me get my ultimate beauty sleep. Today, I'll be sharing how we made our bedroom cozy to get the best rest possible!

  1. Bedroom Set. Having a room that is comfortable was very important to G and I. We immediately went on the hunt for a style that embodied our personalities. After weeks of searching, we decided on a set that was lovely, and met our minimalist style. Fast forward a few years later, and we couldn't be happier with how our space looks!
  2. Faux Fur Throw. It was a complete surprise how much I would love this item! My faux fur throw is something I absolutely adore. This item goes with me in almost every room of our home. It is absolutely soft and cozy. It's perfect for those cold winter nights and helps me fall asleep fast!
  3. Sheets. Having the right thread count is important. I bought several different sheet sets to see what worked best for us. The softer the better! We love sheets that stay cool and soft throughout the night.
  4. Body Pillow. I had a spinal fusion over a decade ago. Having a body pillow is an absolute must! This pillow is lovely, and provides the proper support and balance for my spine. I recommend this item to anyone who needs that perfect alignment while sleeping.
  5. Candles. Aromatherapy is something I take very seriously. In our master bedroom, I have several candles to ease me into a good night's rest. The wonderful fragrance fills our room, and helps me relax before bedtime. They are absolutely helpful in easing me into a perfect slumber.
  6. Mattress. This is a biggie! G and I tried out several mattresses, and visited many stores to figure out the exact type we needed. We ensured our new mattress felt comfortable. It's essential to take the time in researching which mattress is best for your body type. 
  7. Pillows. This is major as well. We change out our pillows every 6 months. Swapping out these items, and keeping them fresh is very important. This process will ensure that your pillows will not flatten over time or harbor any unwanted bacteria. 
  8. Lighting. Having the proper lighting in your bedroom really helps! In the evening before bed, I'll read or catch up on a few items for the blog. Whether you choose overhead lighting, or a nice lamp on your nightstand, pick the option that works best for your nighttime routine.
  9. Duvet Cover Set. I absolutely adore our duvet cover set! I love adding several layers of blankets within our bedding. Our duvet set is ideal and much needed. 

What ways do you make your bedroom cozy and optimal for the perfect sleep?

XO, Analise


Photos: Courtesy of Wayfair

Shop my categories below!

bedroom setfaux fur throwsheetsbody pillowcandlesmattresspillowslightingduvet cover set.