
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey

Today is my 29th birthday. In honor of my special day I'm sharing 29 facts about me!

  1. My middle name is Mia, it is Italian for Michele - which is my mother's name. My dad was visiting a port in Italy during a 6-month deployment when my mama got the news she was pregnant with me!
  2. I absolutely love flowers, but Calla Lilies are by far my favorite. They were the flowers in my wedding bouquet.
  3. I am a big sister, my brother Ryan and I are 2 years and 3 months apart. Growing up, I was always fiercely protective over him. He was diagnosed with Autism when we were kids. Ryan undoubtedly makes me a better person. He is the kindest and most giving human I know. Knowing and growing with my baby brother I've become a kinder human being, and I thank God for him. Ryan brings out the good in everyone he encounters, and if you know him you're incredibly lucky. 
  4. Brunch is my favorite meal - it is the best of both worlds!
  5. I do not wear makeup at all - mainly because I'm horrible at applying it, and my skin is very sensitive! There are a few exceptions for the few times I wear makeup. My makeup artist, Wil Strayhorn does an amazing job and he knows my skin type very well.
  6. I'm a former Navy Brat. My dad served for almost 10 years before I was born. 
  7. I met my husband on a blind date! 
  8. My circle of friends is pretty small. I'm a pretty private person. I'm fortunate to have an amazing group of friends around me who know and love me unconditionally.
  9. I was born on an Air Force Base in Maryland.
  10. Music is my therapy. When I was kid, my dad gifted me a Walkman. He would let me listen to his cassette tapes. Janet Jackson, Prince, Michael Jackson, you name it ... my dad and I bonded over music, and we still do.
  11. Upon graduating college I had a job waiting for me in a new city where I knew no one. It was a little scary, but an exciting time. This new experience forced me outside of my comfort zone and opened new doors. 
  12. I'm a morning person. I typically wake up around 5:30 AM every day ... even on the weekends!
  13. I do not eat red meat at all.
  14. I lived in Mississippi during my elementary school years. My dad was stationed there during his last few years in the United States Navy.
  15. I majored in Computer Science at the University of Virginia. 
  16. I've only had one surgery - a spinal fusion at the age of 15. 
  17. French fries are my weakness! 
  18. I had my own apartment for 3 and a half years. Living alone and having my own space was the absolute best decision I ever made. I was really able to get to know myself more, and was only accountable for just me ... which was pretty cool.
  19. I'm a planner. I live by my calendar on my phone, and my Kate Spade planner. 
  20. If I could pick one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be seafood. Oysters, crab legs or cakes, salmon, scallops, shrimp ... count me in.
  21. My parents and brother live only 3 minutes down the street from where G and I built our home. Our family is very close.
  22. I'm a neat freak
  23. Creme brûlée is my favorite dessert. 
  24. I'm a big fan of comic books. My dad gave me my first action figure when I was 5 years old. I was in love with Storm from X-Men, and carried her action figure around everywhere. My family has always bonded over comics. Luckily I married someone who is as equally into comics as we are - jackpot! G and I collect statues of our favorite comic book characters.
  25. Give me a good charcuterie board, and I will love you forever!
  26. I love wine ... a whole lot. My husband gifted me a wine cabinet when we first moved into our home, and we keep it stocked. We love trying new wineries and vineyards. G and I consistently add new bottles to our collection.
  27. When I'm not drinking wine, tequila is my drink of choice!
  28. I love to read, and still buy hardcover books.
  29. I do not drink soda or coffee ... only water for me please!


XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography