Uncorked: How to Host a Wine Party

"What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others." - Diogenes

G and I love throwing parties at our home. We typically throw a party every year at the beginning or end of Summer. When we have our event, I love serving wines that our guests will enjoy! As you guys know, we really like wine, and it is a treat when we are able to blow away our guests with an amazing selection.

Today I'm sharing some a few tips in choosing wonderful wines for your next party!

  1. Headcount. Each bottle of wine typically serves about 4 glasses, depending on how you pour. For a point of reference, our guests will have about 2-3 glasses of wine. With that being considered, you'll need to ensure your selection can accommodate your headcount. For example, if you have 10 guests, it's best to have about 8-10 bottles of wine. I always like to get a few extra bottles just in case! Tip: If you will be serving alcohol in addition to wine, feel free to modify the number of bottles!
  2. White, Rose, Bubbly, or Red? Depending on the event I adjust the type of wine I'll be serving. For brunch, I will serve champagne, rose, and white wine. This is typically a lighter meal and also earlier in the day. For evening events and dinner parties, I will serve red and white wine, and champagne is a must! Tip: If your audience prefers red over white, purchase more red wine since it's a crowd favorite!
  3. Food pairing. It is really important to make sure you have the appropriate selection of food that pair perfectly with your wine! Whether you are serving spicy, BBQ, savory or sweet dishes, make sure your wine selection accompanies your food. Tip: Whenever I make my lemon pepper wings, I make sure I have Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc available for my guests! They pair perfectly together.
  4. Budget. I try to stick to a price point for each bottle of wine that I buy. If I'm having a smaller gathering or hosting a dinner, I'll splurge and get some unique bottles from one of our favorite local wine shops, Tinto. Yet, if we are having a larger group, Trader Joe's is my preferred store to get my wine! They have an excellent price point and I set a cap for about $15 a bottle. Tip: Set a budget early. If your budget is $150 get a great variety and ensure the quality is spot on for your guests.

What are some of your favorite wines to share with friends?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

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Exceptional Sibling

“It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village.” – Coach Elaine Hall

Being a big sister is something that I truly cherish. Growing up my younger brother Ryan was diagnosed with Autism. As a child, it was hard to understand how my wonderful baby brother could be diagnosed with this condition. Many times I was left confused and resentful. As I got older, my outlook on the situation evolved as my understanding of Autism grew. Ryan has taught me how to love and the importance of patience. He has touched so many people's lives, and if you get the chance to know him, you'll understand just how amazing he is.

Today I'm sharing a few ways Ryan has helped shaped the person I am today, and how his love changed my life forever.

I didn't know it then, but at the age of five Ryan helped push me to be the leader I am today. Leadership is something that cannot be taught, you simply just have to do it. My little brother required a different type of attention than I needed as a child. Growing up my father was active duty military. My mom had to juggle working full-time, running a household, and raising two children, while my dad was out to sea. There were many times I had to step up and assist my mom and little brother. I definitely grew up quickly, and had to learn how to take care of basic household responsibilities. It became second nature, and I quickly dove into the role. This quality became one of the many things I possessed at an early age.

Ryan sees the world in a completely differently than everyone else. He taught me another key quality: perspective. There have been many times in our childhood where I may be overwhelmed or freak out in a particular situation, whereas Ryan would be completely at peace. Ryan's ability to be courageous in a world where they do not always accommodate his needs is absolutely humbling. This has helped me realize that some of the small trivial matters in life are not even worth maximizing. His ability to see the glass half full, has challenged me to see the good in every situation.

I quickly learned as a child that the world did not revolve around me. In addition to gaining the perspective quality, I became extremely self-less. Ryan taught me at an early age to give and think about other's feelings. I learned how to be empathetic and realize that there was a bigger picture in many situations. My parents were phenomenal in providing balance in our home. They ensured that Ryan and I never wanted for anything. I'm fortunate to have a family that always put each other's needs first no matter what the situation.

Communication was something my brother and I had to develop in our own special way. Ryan didn't speak for almost a decade. He would communicate by pointing, making sounds, hugs, or touching my hand or arm. Words were never something we really bonded over. It was quite normal for us to just look at one another and smile. He would give me a look or a hug and that would be it for us. My non-verbal cues quickly heightened as a child. I became very aware of how someone was feeling versus what was actually being said. Even today, Ryan and I do not hold long conversations. He is very matter of fact and gets straight to the point. Yet, there are still many times Ryan will touch my arm as a way of letting me know that he is doing just fine.

Being a big sister is something that I absolutely love. I truly believe siblings are a huge blessing. Ryan has taught me so many things in 27 years. I'm a better sister, daughter, granddaughter, and wife because of his love and enlightenment. A lot of who I am is because of him, and for that I'm super grateful.

With all of that being said, Ryan is beyond special, he's exceptional.

XO, Analise

Dining In

"Crab cakes and football, that's what Maryland does!" - Wedding Crashers

My dad was raised in Maryland, and my both of my grandmothers worked in D.C. for many years. Crab cakes were a staple in my family growing up, and still are. I remember eating my first crab cake as a kid ... and it was absolutely life changing! Maryland ultimately has the best crab cakes. Yet, when I get a craving for this delicious item below is my go-to recipe. 

What You'll Need:

  • 1 pound lump blue crabmeat
  • Basil Pesto Aioli
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs 
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine half of crabmeat with mayonnaise, panko, egg, mustard, and paprika. Season with salt and pepper and stir until thoroughly combined.

* Pro Tip: Mayo and egg help hold the cakes together and add moisture.

  • Gently fold in remaining half of crabmeat until just combined; try not to break apart the lumps of meat any more than necessary as you stir. Form into patties and arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

* Pro Tip: Panko bread crumbs are the perfect binder. They are light, crispy, and disappear into the cakes.

  • In a nonstick skillet, heat butter over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add patties and cook, rotating and flipping occasionally for even browning. Crab cakes must be browned and crispy on both sides. This will take about 10 minutes.

* Pro Tip: Lower heat at any point to prevent burning.

  • Lastly, serve and enjoy! I personally like to have my crab cakes on a bed of arugula with basil pesto aioli. Yum!


XO, Analise


"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey

Today is my 29th birthday. In honor of my special day I'm sharing 29 facts about me!

  1. My middle name is Mia, it is Italian for Michele - which is my mother's name. My dad was visiting a port in Italy during a 6-month deployment when my mama got the news she was pregnant with me!
  2. I absolutely love flowers, but Calla Lilies are by far my favorite. They were the flowers in my wedding bouquet.
  3. I am a big sister, my brother Ryan and I are 2 years and 3 months apart. Growing up, I was always fiercely protective over him. He was diagnosed with Autism when we were kids. Ryan undoubtedly makes me a better person. He is the kindest and most giving human I know. Knowing and growing with my baby brother I've become a kinder human being, and I thank God for him. Ryan brings out the good in everyone he encounters, and if you know him you're incredibly lucky. 
  4. Brunch is my favorite meal - it is the best of both worlds!
  5. I do not wear makeup at all - mainly because I'm horrible at applying it, and my skin is very sensitive! There are a few exceptions for the few times I wear makeup. My makeup artist, Wil Strayhorn does an amazing job and he knows my skin type very well.
  6. I'm a former Navy Brat. My dad served for almost 10 years before I was born. 
  7. I met my husband on a blind date! 
  8. My circle of friends is pretty small. I'm a pretty private person. I'm fortunate to have an amazing group of friends around me who know and love me unconditionally.
  9. I was born on an Air Force Base in Maryland.
  10. Music is my therapy. When I was kid, my dad gifted me a Walkman. He would let me listen to his cassette tapes. Janet Jackson, Prince, Michael Jackson, you name it ... my dad and I bonded over music, and we still do.
  11. Upon graduating college I had a job waiting for me in a new city where I knew no one. It was a little scary, but an exciting time. This new experience forced me outside of my comfort zone and opened new doors. 
  12. I'm a morning person. I typically wake up around 5:30 AM every day ... even on the weekends!
  13. I do not eat red meat at all.
  14. I lived in Mississippi during my elementary school years. My dad was stationed there during his last few years in the United States Navy.
  15. I majored in Computer Science at the University of Virginia. 
  16. I've only had one surgery - a spinal fusion at the age of 15. 
  17. French fries are my weakness! 
  18. I had my own apartment for 3 and a half years. Living alone and having my own space was the absolute best decision I ever made. I was really able to get to know myself more, and was only accountable for just me ... which was pretty cool.
  19. I'm a planner. I live by my calendar on my phone, and my Kate Spade planner. 
  20. If I could pick one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be seafood. Oysters, crab legs or cakes, salmon, scallops, shrimp ... count me in.
  21. My parents and brother live only 3 minutes down the street from where G and I built our home. Our family is very close.
  22. I'm a neat freak
  23. Creme brûlée is my favorite dessert. 
  24. I'm a big fan of comic books. My dad gave me my first action figure when I was 5 years old. I was in love with Storm from X-Men, and carried her action figure around everywhere. My family has always bonded over comics. Luckily I married someone who is as equally into comics as we are - jackpot! G and I collect statues of our favorite comic book characters.
  25. Give me a good charcuterie board, and I will love you forever!
  26. I love wine ... a whole lot. My husband gifted me a wine cabinet when we first moved into our home, and we keep it stocked. We love trying new wineries and vineyards. G and I consistently add new bottles to our collection.
  27. When I'm not drinking wine, tequila is my drink of choice!
  28. I love to read, and still buy hardcover books.
  29. I do not drink soda or coffee ... only water for me please!


XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

Fresh Start

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." Neil Gaiman

As a New Year begins, it is very important to take a step back and reflect. This year has been a whirlwind for me, but I've had some amazing "peaks" along the way.

First, G and I both started brand new jobs in the first quarter of the year. Then, we celebrated one year of marriage ... and still going strong.

My family had amazing moments as well. Also, my beautiful mother, graduated from Law School this year at Regent University. She is without a doubt the smartest and strongest woman I know. 

I've celebrated milestones with my friends. Alisha got married to an amazing man. We have known each other since undergrad at UVA. I was fortunate and honored to serve as her Matron of Honor in their wedding. Tiffany, was accepted into graduate school and bought a wonderful new home.

My achievement was passing the Human Capital Strategist certification exam right before Thanksgiving. Last but certainly not least, I launched this blog - The Classy Cavalier. I'll be honest, it took several encouraging conversations with a few family members and close friends for me to launch this site, but I'm so glad that I did. Also, the immense amount of support from you all has been wonderful - thank you.

While, there were many "peaks" this year, a few "pits" occurred as well. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, G ruptured his Achilles tendon in his right foot. The injury definitely shifted things in the Gregory household. We are super blessed that our friends and family have been supportive during this time. G is quickly on the road to recovery, and doing so well in physical therapy. I married a strong man, and for that I'm very grateful. If anything, this situation made us stronger, and more in love with each other. 

When approaching a New Year, I set new goals and prioritize them - it's something I've always done. I'm a planner by nature. Below I'm giving ways on how I start the upcoming year fresh, and how to stay on track no matter what "peaks and pits" come your way.

  1. Get organized. If you know me very well, I'm all about organization. In fact, I am a true neat freak. It's very important for me to not have a lot of clutter. My motto is, "If my home is cluttered, then my brain is cluttered." It is so essential to get things organized to ensure your vision is clear. Whether it is organizing your closet, home, calendar, or whatever it may be, start clearing out the old, and bringing in the new. Tip: Donate old appliances or clothes! Once Christmas ends and I get new items, whatever is gently used I donate to the Goodwill or Salvation Army near my home. You can also schedule pickup times with these organizations from your home!
  2. Speak your dreams into existence and follow through. One of my dreams this year was to start tapping into my creative outlet in some way. Once, I graduated from undergrad in 2011, I've been laser focused on my career, and trying to break that glass ceiling. I've been in Corporate America for about 6 years now. While I'm very fortunate the professional opportunities I've been afforded ... my creativity has been extremely limited. The Classy Cavalier helps me create an outlet I so desperately need. I'm trying this blog out, giving it a chance, and putting my absolute all in this endeavor. Tip: Create a vision board or write down new ideas in a journal!
  3. Work it out. Working out is something I've always enjoyed doing. Barre, yoga, running, cycle, you name it I've probably tried it. For a few years when I was living in Richmond, my personal trainer really motivated and pushed me to my limits. The lessons she taught me during that time still resonates today. I continue to use her techniques and methods in my workouts. When the routines become easy, it's time to switch it up. Currently, my new love is Cycle Bar, and it is one of the best workouts I've had in awhile! Keeping my health in check is very important, and being able to stay active reduces stress! Tip: Try out different exercise studios or gyms - Groupon has helped me with this one! See what routine works best for you and your schedule. Also, ensure that the gym of your choice holds you accountable, while ensuring your fitness goals are being met.
  4. Select your tribe. I'm a firm believer in surrounding myself with good and positive people. I am so blessed to have amazing friends who push, as well as hold me accountable. Having a solid tribe really helps during the hard times too. For G and I we really saw the amazing people who stepped up during our "pits", and we are forever fortunate. When your tribe is winning and doing amazing things, don't forget to support them too. For example, Alisha and her hubby sent me flowers the day I launched my blog. That sweet gesture literally brought tears to my eyes, because she knew this was a major step for me! It is essential to have the right people in your life no matter the circumstance. Tip: "Birds of a feather flock together." It is super key to surround yourself with people who support your vision!

As you enter into 2018, begin thinking about what ways you'll conquer the New Year! What are some ways you plan on soaring in 2018?

Happy New Year!

XO, Analise