Holiday Cheer

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

The holidays can be a super fun time. It is filled with excitement, parties, yummy food, and love from family and friends. Yet, if you are not careful it can be super draining, and not so stellar. Here are my tips for staying happy and healthy during the holiday season!

  1. Do not over extend yourself. Like, I stated before, you will be hustling to someone's home for a party, baking, and attending family functions. Learn to set boundaries and not over extend yourself. It can be so easy to say "yes" to going to an event, but remember to pace yourself and learn when to take a step back and relax.
  2. Get your holiday shopping done early. While, this is most certainly the season to give, try to get your shopping completed as soon as possible, so that you can enjoy this fun time! People often poke fun at G and I, but we start our Christmas shopping in the summer! Yes, and we are always done by Halloween. We like to spend the holidays spoiling each other and getting our home decorated for the season. 
  3. Try not to over indulge. For me the holidays means lots of wine, champagne, and food! Yet, after the holiday season I may regret going a little too hard on the baked goods. So, I try to pace myself, and balance what I'm eating and drinking during this festive time.
  4. Give back. During this time, not everyone is fortunate and may not have a lot of loved ones around them. Being a former Navy Brat, my Dad was not home for several holidays when I was little. It was so nice when people reached out to ensure that we were okay and having a fun time. Take some time to volunteer, or just connect with a family who may not have a loved one around them during the season.
  5. Surround yourself with love and positivity. Remember the holidays are supposed to be fun! Ensure that you are around people who are positive, loving, and a lot of fun. Enjoy the holiday season with amazing people at your side who love and adore you.

What are some things you do to ensure you have an amazing holiday? Have a safe and fantastic holiday season darlings!

XO, Analise