Maintaining Long Distance Friendships

"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." – Henry David Thoreau

I have some of the best friends in the world. Some of my close friends live in my city of Virginia Beach. Yet, my two closest girlfriends from college are the furthest away. They are like my sisters, and while they are not local, we still make time to touch base consistently with each other. Both of my girlfriends are about 4-5 hours driving distance. With that being said, Alisha, Tiffany, and I get pretty creative on ways we can see each other. Below I'm giving some tips on how I maintain my long distance friendships!

  • Check-In Consistently. With one of my best friends, I speak to her about 5 days out of the week. My other bestie, we touch base once a week. Even though we have different schedules, it is super important to check-in and chat. Whether it is sending a funny GIF or just saying "Hey, are you alive girl", we make it a priority to talk about our lives and if anything is new. Also, you do not have to speak to someone everyday to know that they are your true friend. 
  • Make Plans. My best friend Tiffany and I have this thing, where we meet up about once a quarter, in a midpoint location. It makes it super easy for us to not make the long commute to one another. We spend all day together, hitting some of our favorite spots and reconnecting - it's like we never skipped a beat! In order for this to work, we make plans sometimes 2 months in advance so that this is successful. She and I are both planners, with our busy schedules this method really helps!
  • Be Patient. Life happens, and sometimes texts or calls aren't quickly answered. Know that your bestie isn't ducking your messages. For instance, my friend Tiffany, like myself works full-time. Also, she is now in graduate school, and is a new homeowner! This lady is super busy, so I'm very understanding that there may be some delays in her responses ... and it is really OK. 
  • Stay True. Know that through it all you and your bestie have a special bond. Make sure you take the time out to touch base, and make plans to hang out when at all possible. For example, my best friend Alisha and I have a tradition that every Christmas we get together with our husbands and have a "Bae Christmas". It usually involves a lot of wine, good food, UNO, and exchanging some of the coolest gifts with our spouses. This tradition is one of the many ways we stay true to our friendship. Even our husbands love how we include them in the our special moments! 


What are some ways you keep in touch with besties who are far away?

XO, Analise