Date Day Guide

Cute's good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it's, 'Who are you as a person?' Don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. When you're dating a man, you should always feel good. ... You shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't make you completely happy and make you feel whole. - Michelle Obama

When G and I first started dating, we really loved day dates. We met in a city that was in between where we both lived at the time. During this time we really had to maximize the time we spent together. Day dates quickly became our "thing" and it was so much fun. We love spending time together, and to grow and learn about each other. It was casual and so relaxed - which was absolutely perfect.

Today I am sharing my favorite day dates with you all!

  1. Museums - We are all about going to a good art museum or exhibit. G will research and look into museums before we visit. He will make sure we hit all the best exhibits. 
  2. Wineries/Vineyards - Of course, it wouldn't be a great day date without hitting a good winery or two. If the winery or vineyard has a restaurant, we are definitely hanging around  for lunch. But, if there isn't one, we pack a little basket and a blanket - and do a picnic. Also, sometimes wineries will have food trucks - jackpot!
  3. Tours - One of our favorite things to do are tours. All the way from a Segway to Model Home (hey, we get a lot of decorating ideas from touring newly constructed house) tour. We make it fun! 
  4. Gardens and Parks - I'm a sucker for flowers, so going to a Botanical Garden or a Historical Park is always fun for me. We even take our bikes and go for a ride - just getting out and enjoying the fresh air is so nice.
  5. Brunch or Lunch - Who doesn't like a good mimosa or four during the day? I'm never turning a mimosa down. We are always on the hunt for a new brunch spot. 
  6. Movies - We are huge fans of the Marvel Universe and make it our mission to see each movie that comes out. Sometimes we will go during the day - hello matinee prices
  7. Collectible Hunting - So, we are super into comic books. G and I even collect statues. We have a few favorite comic book stores in the Hampton Roads area that we love going to. I enjoy seeing what they have in stock, and thumbing through some comic books. This activity is one of my favorite things to do with G, and we have a blast.
  8. Art Studio - We enjoy going to our local art studio and painting some wonderful pieces. It is a way for us to use our creative outlet and have fun.

Tip: Sometimes we will "un-plug" on our dates. No social media or phones, just the two of us enjoying one another. 

What are some of your favorite day dates?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

6 Ways to Date Your Spouse

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” - Unknown

Marriage takes a lot of work, love, and time. G and I work hard to ensure that we are happy. Below are tips we use in our marriage. While we are far from perfect, these tools work for best for us.

  1. Try new things. We enjoy a lot of the same activities. However, our interests vary. For example, one time G expressed interest in doing a Segway tour. I was a bit nervous of the idea. Yet, one year for his birthday, I surprised him with Segway lessons with a tour of downtown historical Richmond, VA. The real treat was that I would be doing it with him. Surprisingly, I ended up having so much fun! We tried a new activity together and absolutely had a blast. The tour brought us closer together. G was so happy that I was adventurous and tried something new.
  2. Cook together. The typical dinner and movie is cool. Yet, some of our favorite date nights are spent at home relaxing together. I absolutely love cooking, and G enjoys good food - clearly we are a match made in heaven. Anytime I want to try a new recipe he assists me. We shop together to pick out items for our meal. Luckily G is a grill-master and loves cooking. Often times, our meals at home are just as tasty as some of the restaurants we go to!
  3. Compliment each other. It is so important to compliment your spouse before, during, and after date night. Take note of what they are wearing or the amount of effort they put into making the date super special. Flattery gets you everywhere!
  4. Surprise them. Some of my most memorable dates with my husband, were when G told me, "Reservations are at 7 PM, and wear this dress." It's really cool to see him excited about something he was so thoughtful in planning. G made the night fun and very romantic ... most importantly I was swept off my feet.
  5. Write them a love letter. Words mean a lot to me. When G realized that he started writing love notes. Now we both write each other notes. Find out what your partner loves, whether it be words or acts of service. Do something that will be meaningful to your spouse.
  6. Set a date. Pick a day and time, whether it is every Friday night, or once a month. Carve out a moment where it is just the two of you. Work, family, or just life sometimes play a factor, in spending quality time. Make sure your spouse knows that they are indeed important to you. G and I have our weekly scheduled date nights. Every month when the 26th* rolls around, we open one of our favorite wines.  G & I take time to reflect on some of our best moments together. 

*The 26th is the day we got married, so every month we spend extra time making that day sweet.

What are some ways you date your spouse or partner?

XO, Analise

Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography