The Ring

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” – Eden Ahbez

When G and I decided we wanted to get married, both of us went to one of my favorite jewelry stores in our hometown.We did this so he could get a clear idea of the exact ring I wanted. Unfortunately, everything that was in the case was primarily white gold and platinum at the time. I've always worn gold jewelry, and was super bummed that the metal I wanted wasn't readily available. We spoke to a designer, and he reassured both of us that an engagement ring could be made for me. G and I talked it over, and we decided to custom make my engagement ring, as well as my wedding band.

Today I'm sharing my experience on designing a custom piece with a designer, as well as some things I learned. 

  1. Design with the long-term in mind. It is absolutely important to design a piece that is practical and will stand the test of time. Select a piece you will love forever, and truly matches your style.

  2. Start the design process early. Depending on the jeweler, it can take 6-8 weeks to have your ring completed. Also, if you are getting a custom wedding band, take that into account as well, and add an additional 4-6 weeks to that timeline. Sometimes the design process can be expedited, but with an extra fee, so be absolutely mindful of the timeframe.

  3. Bring examples and gather inspiration. This is so very important. When I had my ring designed the designer sketched out my vision, but I came prepared with samples. Also, my designer provided G with renderings to ensure he was on track before proceeding in the process. It was key that the designer matched our vision.

  4. Be clear in your expectations. It is very important to inform the designer on all of the specific things you want in the ring. For me, it was a must to have a ring that was gold. Also, I wanted the ring to have etching and an antique style to it. It’s always important that your partner knows the exact diamond size your ring will have added to it. This part in critical in the design of the ring, and will affect the renderings.

  5. Enjoy the process. Most importantly, enjoy the design process. I had the best experience with the jeweler and designer we partnered with. They made the process so much fun and educated us both as a result.

Have you ever designed a piece of jewelry? If so, share your experience below!

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

Two Years

"Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship." - Marilyn Monroe

G and I will be celebrating two years of marriage on March 26th. I'm so looking forward to the many years we have ahead of us. I still remember the way I felt, and how G looked at me on our wedding day - it was such a wonderful moment. During that time I knew that this was "it", and our lives would be forever better and filled with love. Saying "yes" to marrying my husband was one of the easiest and best decisions I've ever made.

Throughout our relationship there are many things G and I have learned. Today I'm sharing our top two lessons on marriage.

G's Advice

  1. Compromise with each other. It is so important to work with your spouse and find a common ground. There will be times when you have to make hard decisions. It is essential that the two of you are on the same page.
  2. Communication is key. It's so important to establish proper communication in your marriage. Try and ensure that this quality is a strong foundation in your relationship. 

Analise's Advice

  1. Keep your home a safe place. When we purchased our home it was really important for me make sure it was absolutely comfortable. Growing up, my home was the sanctuary, and I wanted the same thing for G and I. Not only did it need to be comfortable, but also safe. It's important that our home is calm and peaceful. Keeping your home warm and loving promotes positive energy within your marriage.
  2. Maximize your partner's talents. G and I push each other to be the absolute best. We dream together and discuss the future together. It is so important to discover what motivates your partner and guiding them to that goal.

XO, Analise

Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography


Date Day Guide

Cute's good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it's, 'Who are you as a person?' Don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. When you're dating a man, you should always feel good. ... You shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't make you completely happy and make you feel whole. - Michelle Obama

When G and I first started dating, we really loved day dates. We met in a city that was in between where we both lived at the time. During this time we really had to maximize the time we spent together. Day dates quickly became our "thing" and it was so much fun. We love spending time together, and to grow and learn about each other. It was casual and so relaxed - which was absolutely perfect.

Today I am sharing my favorite day dates with you all!

  1. Museums - We are all about going to a good art museum or exhibit. G will research and look into museums before we visit. He will make sure we hit all the best exhibits. 
  2. Wineries/Vineyards - Of course, it wouldn't be a great day date without hitting a good winery or two. If the winery or vineyard has a restaurant, we are definitely hanging around  for lunch. But, if there isn't one, we pack a little basket and a blanket - and do a picnic. Also, sometimes wineries will have food trucks - jackpot!
  3. Tours - One of our favorite things to do are tours. All the way from a Segway to Model Home (hey, we get a lot of decorating ideas from touring newly constructed house) tour. We make it fun! 
  4. Gardens and Parks - I'm a sucker for flowers, so going to a Botanical Garden or a Historical Park is always fun for me. We even take our bikes and go for a ride - just getting out and enjoying the fresh air is so nice.
  5. Brunch or Lunch - Who doesn't like a good mimosa or four during the day? I'm never turning a mimosa down. We are always on the hunt for a new brunch spot. 
  6. Movies - We are huge fans of the Marvel Universe and make it our mission to see each movie that comes out. Sometimes we will go during the day - hello matinee prices
  7. Collectible Hunting - So, we are super into comic books. G and I even collect statues. We have a few favorite comic book stores in the Hampton Roads area that we love going to. I enjoy seeing what they have in stock, and thumbing through some comic books. This activity is one of my favorite things to do with G, and we have a blast.
  8. Art Studio - We enjoy going to our local art studio and painting some wonderful pieces. It is a way for us to use our creative outlet and have fun.

Tip: Sometimes we will "un-plug" on our dates. No social media or phones, just the two of us enjoying one another. 

What are some of your favorite day dates?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography


"A toast to love and laughter, and happily ever after." — Unknown

Last October my best friend Alisha got married! When she asked me to be her Matron of Honor along with her older sister I was thrilled. Yet, when she told me that I'd have to make a speech at the reception I was a bit cautious. 

Alisha knows I'm not really keen on public speaking. Yet, she really wanted me to do a toast at her wedding. Finally, I obliged and started preparing a speech several months before the big day. When the moment arrived, I was ready, ... and the two glasses of champagne before the speech surely helped!

Below I'm giving my tips on nailing a toast on your best friend's special day.

  1. Take note. Before you make the big speech, jot down a few ideas. It is key to highlight a few memories from your friendship. Also, it's important to celebrate the journey that your friend is embarking on with their new spouse. 
  2. Introduce yourself and tell a story. You'll be meeting a lot of new people at the wedding. Be sure to introduce yourself! Along with giving a brief introduction, tell a story on how you know the bride and/or groom. This will help you connect with the audience. Also, you'll be able reflect on some great moments with the couple.
  3. Stay calm and be natural. Before you make the toast take a few moments to collect your thoughts. The best speeches come from the heart. Try to gather your thoughts before speaking. Do not read from a script if at all possible. It is best to make sure your speech comes naturally and is authentic. 
  4. Keep it short and sweet. It is important to keep the toast brief. Be mindful that several other individuals will make speeches throughout the evening. Try to make your toast impactful and meaningful without going over your time limit.

What are some of your experiences giving a wedding speech?

XO, Analise

Photo Credit: Ward Photography

Matron of Honor Manual

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

Last Spring, my bestie got the surprise of her life, when her boyfriend proposed to her. A few days before the proposal, Alisha's now husband reached out and told me his big plan! Hearing the news literally made my heart melt. He knew the importance of including me, her sister, and of course Alisha's mom in the process. I was super excited that this major moment was about to happen in my bestie's life! Most importantly, I was thrilled that I was a part of this milestone. Soon after the engagement Alisha asked me to be her Matron of Honor along with her older sister. It was an easy "Yes" for me. Alisha was my Maid of Honor a few months prior in my wedding. Being able to stand by Alisha's side, and watch her shine on her big day was something I would not miss. On October 7, 2017 I stood by my best friend, and watched her marry her new best friend. It was truly a special moment. 

While being someone's Maid or Matron of Honor is serious hard work, it can be very rewarding and a lot of fun! Today I'll be sharing some tips and characteristics one should possess while fulfilling this very important role.

  1. Support the Bride & Groom. As a MOH not only are you standing next to the bride on the big day, but you are supporting her decision to marry her beau. It is super key that you support and protect both of them. They will be very busy planning one of the best days of their lives. Be sure to help them both, whether it is giving them a pep talk or offering to search for vendors on their behalf. Whenever Alisha started her search for vendors I gave her my feedback. Also, I provided her my personal wedding spreadsheet that was created during my engagement. She got super lucky because we both got married in neighboring cities! 
  2. Be patient and flexible. While this may be easier said than done, know that things may not happen as quickly or how you may like it. Always, be patient with the bride. She will be making critical decisions. Let her take the time to make plans, and if you see that she's overwhelmed help make decisions together. 
  3. Stay organized. As the Bride starts making vendor selections create a list of contacts. Once she decides on her shower date, start researching venues and getting a guest list together. Do everything in your power to try and make things easier for her. It will be a lot of work, but it will be worth it to have a central repository of those important items and info she will need.
  4. Budget & save your money. This is a big one, and is a topic that sometimes isn't always addressed. The moment I knew that I'd be in the bridal party, I started setting aside money for the upcoming purchases. Lucky for me, Alisha was very understanding about how the bridal party spent our money. We were able to select our own dresses and shoes within our price range - which was awesome. Also, she was super flexible and upfront with costs in regards to her wedding. 
  5. Plan ahead. As we began to plan the big day, I started early with planning my time off for work. Also, the bridal party met bi-weekly, to conduct conference calls about upcoming events. This really helped all of the ladies stay on target! We lived all across the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) area.
  6. Be honest. If something is bothering you or you have concerns, be honest with the bride-to be. She is your bestie at the end of the day, and it's very important to always communicate. 

What are some ways your MOH helped you on your big day? Also, if you were a MOH what are some things you would recommend to a newly appointed MOH?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Ward Photography