
"A toast to love and laughter, and happily ever after." — Unknown

Last October my best friend Alisha got married! When she asked me to be her Matron of Honor along with her older sister I was thrilled. Yet, when she told me that I'd have to make a speech at the reception I was a bit cautious. 

Alisha knows I'm not really keen on public speaking. Yet, she really wanted me to do a toast at her wedding. Finally, I obliged and started preparing a speech several months before the big day. When the moment arrived, I was ready, ... and the two glasses of champagne before the speech surely helped!

Below I'm giving my tips on nailing a toast on your best friend's special day.

  1. Take note. Before you make the big speech, jot down a few ideas. It is key to highlight a few memories from your friendship. Also, it's important to celebrate the journey that your friend is embarking on with their new spouse. 
  2. Introduce yourself and tell a story. You'll be meeting a lot of new people at the wedding. Be sure to introduce yourself! Along with giving a brief introduction, tell a story on how you know the bride and/or groom. This will help you connect with the audience. Also, you'll be able reflect on some great moments with the couple.
  3. Stay calm and be natural. Before you make the toast take a few moments to collect your thoughts. The best speeches come from the heart. Try to gather your thoughts before speaking. Do not read from a script if at all possible. It is best to make sure your speech comes naturally and is authentic. 
  4. Keep it short and sweet. It is important to keep the toast brief. Be mindful that several other individuals will make speeches throughout the evening. Try to make your toast impactful and meaningful without going over your time limit.

What are some of your experiences giving a wedding speech?

XO, Analise

Photo Credit: Ward Photography