Full Bloom

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." - Max Muller

Flowers are one of many things that make me happy! I love keeping a fresh bouquet of flowers in our home - they totally brighten up any space. Also, in the beginning of spring G & I love having potted plants on our front porch. 

Today, I am sharing some of my tips for caring for a few of my favorite blooms.

A gorgeous bouquet of red roses.

A gorgeous bouquet of red roses.


I absolutely adore roses, and mine typically last almost two weeks in a vase! Below, are my tips for long lasting roses.

  • Change your water often. like to put new water in every 2-3 days, this eliminates any bacteria in the water. Also, adding bleach into your water aids in removing any bacteria!
  • Use the flower food provided with the roses. This is important as the roses need proper food to bloom. If your flowers don't come with food, dissolve 3 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar. 
  • Properly cut your stems. Cutting your stems allow the roses to drink the water and food easily.
  • Ice, ice, baby. Putting a few ice cubes in your vase once the roses are cut, help the roses bloom very nicely. My grandmother taught me this trick, and it works like a charm!
  • Remove the extra foliage. Getting rid of the extra leaves before placing the roses into the water in essential. Removing them prevents rotting and elimintaes extra bacteria getting into the water.
Potted hibiscus in full bloom.

Potted hibiscus in full bloom.


G & I go all out in setting up our patio for Spring. When the weather stays consistently warm, we go to Home Depot, and pick out our flowers for the season. This is our second year having hibiscus plants, and they are the best! Below, are my tips for keeping your hibiscus blooming all summer long.

  • Water, water, and more water. When these beauties are blooming, they need a lot of water! Also, the hotter it gets, the more water they'll need. These plants drink up a lot of water, so always check the soil, and if it's dry to the touch, you'll need to pour up.
  • Choose the right pot and potting soilSelecting the proper soil is essential to getting these flowers blooming. Also, ensure that the pot you choose has one or more holes at the bottom - this helps for your plant to properly drain. Keep in mind, the bigger the pot, the more soil you'll need. 
  • Soak up the sun. It is super important to have your plants in a spot where they are facing the sun. This will help these gorgeous flowers bloom quickly!
  • Pruning. Make sure you prune your plants regularly. It's very normal, and also exciting when your plants to get larger. It is important to prune them to ensure that they have the right amount of space to grow.

Happy gardening!

XO, Analise

Our Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas!

As I have mentioned several times, the holidays - specifically Christmas, is my absolute favorite! My family takes this season very seriously! We enjoy spending time with one another.  Our family loves decorating, unwrapping presents, and doing our usual Christmas activities with everyone. Also, my husband and I now have our own traditions that we love! Below are some of our favorite things we do during this special time.

  1. The stockings were hung with care. When G and I got married, we immediately went to Bed Bath & Beyond, and purchased a pair of stockings to hang over the fireplace. We love stuffing them with cute items for each other. For example, we'll get gift cards to the person's favorite place, and a bunch of other neat goodies.
  2. Oh Christmas tree. We typically put up our decorations the week of Thanksgiving. G and I are a big fan of the artificial tree. My family stopped getting live trees years ago. Although, a live tree is fantastic, and that fresh balsam fills the house - it's just a lot of work. We bought our tree from Home Depot. They have an amazing selection! Also, if you store an artificial tree properly, they will last for several years. 
  3. Ornament hunting. My grandmother, mama, and I go ornament hunting every year. Anytime I go to a special place, if they have a gorgeous ornament in their gift shop - I'm buying it! Also, once department stores have their sales on ornaments we stock up for the next year! The ladies and I have a ball going out picking up new pieces for our tree.
  4. Holiday lights. When G and I bought our home in 2015, it was a few weeks before Christmas. During that special time we were focused on getting settled in. The last two Christmas holidays, G has taken decorating our home seriously. We use ribbon, lights, and wreaths, to make the house sparkle. Also, our family loves hopping into my Dad's SUV, and go to nearby neighborhoods to look at holiday lights. It is so much fun, and we even get new ideas for decorating our home! 
  5. 'Twas the night before Christmas. On Christmas Eve we all go to my parent's home for a seafood dinner! Crab cakes, shrimp pasta, scallops, fried oysters ... and so many other goodies! We all catch up, play UNO, while enjoying each other's company. Then, we open our gifts together, and enjoy a few glasses of wine. This year, I'll be bringing my Lemon Pepper Wings to the gathering, along with my famous cookies!
  6. Christmas Day. On Christmas morning, G and I open the gifts we bought for one another. We spend time reflecting on the year, and spend quality time together.

What are some holiday traditions that you have with your loved ones?

Merry Christmas!

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography