In Sickness & In Health

"A good husband makes a good wife." - John Flori

This past November on Thanksgiving weekend, G ruptured his Achilles tendon. I am a "fixer" by nature, and not being able to fix my husband was incredibly hard. When we received the news G would need surgery and recovery time was 3 to 6 months - it was a hard pill to swallow. We pushed through and our close family and friends rallied around us. 

G is an incredibly strong man and has powered through his recovery like an absolute champ. I'm very fortunate to have married an absolute amazing and loving man. While it has been very hard, and we are almost at the end of this chapter in our lives, I'm sharing a few lessons we both learned during this time.

  1. Do not take your spouse for granted. G ruptured his Achilles tendon in the right leg. Yep, that means he couldn't drive for almost three months. G couldn't do his normal routine or errands. This was tough for the both of us. Not only did a lot of responsibility now fall on me, but my very independent and strong husband had to sit a lot of things out. It was a challenging time, but it made me learn that G does so much. I truly began to understand and appreciate all that he does for me - I'm so grateful. G watched me take on a whole new set of responsibilities. He was so loving during this time, and it was nice having his support.
  2. Take care of each other. People often forget about the partner who wasn't hurt - the care giver. During this time, I literally did not leave G's side, and also made sure he had everything he needed or wanted.  I forgot to take care of myself too! Women often take on so much - and in my true Olivia Pope demeanor, I would handle it all without skipping a beat. Yet, it was important for me to take a step back from time to time and just breathe. Our parents, my best friend Alisha and her husband constantly checked in to make sure that I was okay. It meant so much to know we had amazing people to lean on during this season in our lives.
  3. Life is short, embrace each moment. We are so thankful that G's injury was repairable, and wasn't something far worse. G and I sat down once things mellowed out, and discussed what was really important to us in our marriage. We of course had this talk before, but this time it meant something a little bit different. Our priorities have now shifted. During this time, we saw who are true friends were. Watching the out pour of love and support from family and friends really meant a lot to us - it was a humbling moment.

Marrying G was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Being his wife is something I absolutely treasure and would never trade. When I said my vows almost two years ago, it was something I didn't take lightly. After going through this time in our marriage, it has made me love and appreciate my husband even more.

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography