Classy Cavalier Turns One

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Lao Tzu

A year ago today, The Classy Cavalier was born, and I couldn’t be more thrilled and ecstatic.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. Starting this journey was a huge step for me. Typically, I am much more reserved in sharing my stories, but being able to meet so many amazing people through this platform has been a pure joy.

Today, I am sharing the key things that I have learned from starting my blog a year ago.

  • Be consistent. When I began receiving advice from many bloggers in the start of my journey, the same advice was given to me across the board, “stay consistent.” I learned very quickly that posting weekly and staying true to myself would be the foundation of my blogging journey. Their advice was easier said than done, and at times it would be super hard to find the motivation or energy to create content. I learned very early that the only way to be consistent, is to stay organized and find a core group of individuals to hold you accountable.

  • Write about what you love. When I initially started the blog, I began writing about various topics in my life. As I began to find my voice, my topics became more narrow. I think for any blogger in the beginning never limit yourself, and be open to possibilities as well as new opportunities. When you begin writing about things you are passionate about it shows clearly in your work.

  • Recharge & refuel. It can be a challenge creating quality content, and if you are like me, I have a full-time job on top of doing my passion project. Blogging is something that I love doing, and really enjoy. It is very important to take some downtime and allow days to disconnect from social media and creating new content. I never wanted to the blog to become a chore I had to do every week. So, taking some time to rest and recharge, the creative juices really makes a world of difference.

  • Do it for the right reasons. I never started this blog to generate revenue. The overall goal was to have a platform for me to share my advice and experiences. Through this blog I have been able to partner with amazing companies and vendors. I’ve been able to connect with so many people, and share some recipes that my family enjoys. My initial goal for the blog was to connect with people, that was my reason for creating this little space on the World Wide Web. Whatever your reason is, make sure it makes sense for your overall mission.

Again, thank you for your continued support, this blog wouldn’t be what it is without all of you.

XO, Analise