
“Life doesn't end at 30.” - Jeanne Moreau

I am turning 30 on January 26th, and to say that I’m looking forward to this journey is an understatement. Initially when I realized I would be approaching this new age bracket, it totally freaked me out. I began thinking of all the things I have yet to accomplish, but then reflected on how far I’ve come in my journey.

Each year I always set goals for myself and prioritize the new things I’d like to do. Yet, this year feels a bit different, and I’m focusing on how to make myself happier, healthier, and just living a more amazing fulfilled life. In my 20’s I spent a lot of time and effort making sure other people were happy, and during that process trying to find myself.

Today I’m sharing a few things I’m looking forward to embarking on in this new phase of my life, and how I’m actually pretty excited to leave my 20’s behind.

Self-care. I know self-care has been a huge topic lately, and honestly, it’s so important. My goal is to really take my overall health a bit more seriously. I’ve always been mindful of how I am feeling and taking a personal inventory of my emotional or physical needs, but it is something I really want to focus on even more. It’s so easy to get lost in situations, people, or things. By staying more grounded spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically it is my hope that I use this season to really focus more so on how to be a better individual. I want to be at my best, so I can be a blessing and helpful to others, while still remembering to nurture and grow myself in the interim.

Travel. Traveling has always been something I’ve loved to do, and as I get older I crave it even more. Going to a new place, and learning the culture is something that I really value. For the first time, I am spending my actual birthday outside of the country in a new place, and I’m absolutely looking forward to it. My goal in this new season is to spend more money on experiences, and less on material things. It is so true what they say, “You can always get more money, but time is something that you can never get back.”

Time. Speaking of time, my goal for this year is to be more mindful of how I’m spending my time. Personally, I get so caught up in the act of doing, that I forget to really remember the importance of it all. My intention during this season is to prioritize my time much better and getting in more quality moments, while cherishing them just a little bit more. I want to carve time for myself, husband, family, and friends more carefully.

Motherhood. In my late teens and early 20’s, I for sure thought I’d have a child way before I turned 30, and obviously things did not pan out that way. Right after college I went full-throttle into my career, and quickly climbed the corporate ladder. I was more focused on learning as much as I could in the IT field, which left very little time for any relationships. I met my husband when I was 25, and we got married when I was 27, yet I was nowhere near ready to start a family. Even with the constant questions from family and friends (all with good intentions of course), G and I simply were not ready to have a baby. We wanted to travel, build a home together, and honestly just get to know one another a little bit better. Honestly, I realized in the first few years of marriage how important it was to build a foundation with my partner before we began starting a family. There will never be a perfect time, but we want the time to be right. I know my 30’s will be perfect time to add an addition to our family.

What are some new goals you're setting for yourself this year? Share below!

 XO, Analise

Classy Cavalier Turns One

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Lao Tzu

A year ago today, The Classy Cavalier was born, and I couldn’t be more thrilled and ecstatic.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. Starting this journey was a huge step for me. Typically, I am much more reserved in sharing my stories, but being able to meet so many amazing people through this platform has been a pure joy.

Today, I am sharing the key things that I have learned from starting my blog a year ago.

  • Be consistent. When I began receiving advice from many bloggers in the start of my journey, the same advice was given to me across the board, “stay consistent.” I learned very quickly that posting weekly and staying true to myself would be the foundation of my blogging journey. Their advice was easier said than done, and at times it would be super hard to find the motivation or energy to create content. I learned very early that the only way to be consistent, is to stay organized and find a core group of individuals to hold you accountable.

  • Write about what you love. When I initially started the blog, I began writing about various topics in my life. As I began to find my voice, my topics became more narrow. I think for any blogger in the beginning never limit yourself, and be open to possibilities as well as new opportunities. When you begin writing about things you are passionate about it shows clearly in your work.

  • Recharge & refuel. It can be a challenge creating quality content, and if you are like me, I have a full-time job on top of doing my passion project. Blogging is something that I love doing, and really enjoy. It is very important to take some downtime and allow days to disconnect from social media and creating new content. I never wanted to the blog to become a chore I had to do every week. So, taking some time to rest and recharge, the creative juices really makes a world of difference.

  • Do it for the right reasons. I never started this blog to generate revenue. The overall goal was to have a platform for me to share my advice and experiences. Through this blog I have been able to partner with amazing companies and vendors. I’ve been able to connect with so many people, and share some recipes that my family enjoys. My initial goal for the blog was to connect with people, that was my reason for creating this little space on the World Wide Web. Whatever your reason is, make sure it makes sense for your overall mission.

Again, thank you for your continued support, this blog wouldn’t be what it is without all of you.

XO, Analise

The Vow

"I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding."

Before I met my husband, I never thought marriage was in the cards for me. G made me believe that true love was possible, and we knew pretty quickly into our relationship that we were "it" for each other. He became my person, and marrying him was one of the best and easiest decisions I've ever made - it just felt absolutely perfect. After nine months of dating ... yes that fast, he proposed at my parent's home, and it was a no brainer - G was the one.

While we were engaged it was a priority for us to make sure our marriage was successful. We attended several marriage classes and seminars in order to prepare ourselves for this journey. It was key that we were on the same page, failure was not an option.

Last Wednesday, Tidewater and Tulle featured our one year anniversary shoot! Today, I'm sharing more lessons that we both have learned so far in our marriage.

  1. Embrace each other's differences. G and I are very different. He is super outgoing, while I am more reserved. He's spontaneous, and I love structure. These differences actually make things fun, and we have both learned not to change each other ... we are who we are. We share the same values, but our varied personalities make us unique.
  2. Consistently communicate. It is so important to have good communication with your partner. I don't just mean verbal, but body language as well. We make it a point to sit down every night for at least 30 minutes (typically when we are eating), and talk about our day. Our communication has gotten so strong lately that we even finish each other's sentences sometimes! 
  3. Love one another unconditionally. No matter what the situation or circumstance, love your partner during the highs and lows. Life is crazy and things happen, remember to love one another no matter the situation.
  4. Support your partner. G is always pushing me, even in the moments where I'd rather just give up and take a nap. He is hands down one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders. Nothing compares to having your partner in life always cheering you on, and helping you make your dreams come true.
  5. Protect your relationship. There are a lot of naysayers, and there will be people who may not respect or approve of your marriage. Keep those individuals at bay, and out of your relationship - they do not have a place in your life. Not everything you and your partner go through will need to be available for public consumption. Put each other first, and ensure the well-being of your partner above all costs, you did take a vow after all :) 


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography