The Vow

"I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding."

Before I met my husband, I never thought marriage was in the cards for me. G made me believe that true love was possible, and we knew pretty quickly into our relationship that we were "it" for each other. He became my person, and marrying him was one of the best and easiest decisions I've ever made - it just felt absolutely perfect. After nine months of dating ... yes that fast, he proposed at my parent's home, and it was a no brainer - G was the one.

While we were engaged it was a priority for us to make sure our marriage was successful. We attended several marriage classes and seminars in order to prepare ourselves for this journey. It was key that we were on the same page, failure was not an option.

Last Wednesday, Tidewater and Tulle featured our one year anniversary shoot! Today, I'm sharing more lessons that we both have learned so far in our marriage.

  1. Embrace each other's differences. G and I are very different. He is super outgoing, while I am more reserved. He's spontaneous, and I love structure. These differences actually make things fun, and we have both learned not to change each other ... we are who we are. We share the same values, but our varied personalities make us unique.
  2. Consistently communicate. It is so important to have good communication with your partner. I don't just mean verbal, but body language as well. We make it a point to sit down every night for at least 30 minutes (typically when we are eating), and talk about our day. Our communication has gotten so strong lately that we even finish each other's sentences sometimes! 
  3. Love one another unconditionally. No matter what the situation or circumstance, love your partner during the highs and lows. Life is crazy and things happen, remember to love one another no matter the situation.
  4. Support your partner. G is always pushing me, even in the moments where I'd rather just give up and take a nap. He is hands down one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders. Nothing compares to having your partner in life always cheering you on, and helping you make your dreams come true.
  5. Protect your relationship. There are a lot of naysayers, and there will be people who may not respect or approve of your marriage. Keep those individuals at bay, and out of your relationship - they do not have a place in your life. Not everything you and your partner go through will need to be available for public consumption. Put each other first, and ensure the well-being of your partner above all costs, you did take a vow after all :) 


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography 

Holiday Gifts for Her

I've searched Nordstrom's website to gather my top picks for the ladies this holiday season ...

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. Shopping for my friends and family is always a fun time for me!

I absolutely love Nordstrom and all that they have to offer! It also does not help that I work two blocks away from my favorite store :)

Below are some of my top picks! Some items I already own, and others are some things I've been secretly wanting (hint hint, G). 


Top Picks

Love Letters Spinning Initial Necklace by LULU DK I was lucky enough to score this during Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale! I got the 'A' initial in gold and it is simply perfect. Tip - you can also get it for a lucky lady if she is a newlywed, with the initial of her new last name!

Vermeil Mini Tin Candle Set by VOLUSPA, again I got this during the Anniversary sale as well! The deal was too good to pass on. Voluspa makes the perfect scented candles. They are tiny enough to go anywhere and everywhere, especially on the go!

PROi Professional Hair Dryer by T3, last but certainly not least. I have the rose gold version of this hair dryer, and my gosh, it is the best I've ever owned. I researched for days on the best hair dryer and this is absolutely it. I have super thick hair, and this bad boy makes drying my hair super easy.

What are some gifts you are getting the lady in your life?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

Holiday Gifts for Him

Now, I am breaking down my top picks for the fellas! Of course, we are back at Nordstrom, because ... why not?

When shopping for G, I always try to re-up on things that he loves! Whether it be buying him new sweaters in various colors, or getting him his favorite cologne. Of course, I like to surprise him here and there with some of the things he's been wanting or that I know he needs! G is really into watches and gadgets so those items always stay on the list.

Below are some items that he already has and swears by, along with some things he's been wanting.

Top Picks

Home Voice Activated Speaker by GOOGLE, We fell in love with our friend's Google Home on our visit to their house for the weekend. G immediately went to the Best Buy right by our home when we returned into town, and got one for our main level. He loved it so much, I came home from work a few days later, and there was one set up in our master bedroom. Clearly he loves this device! We are able to connect to various apps like Spotify and iHeartRadio. Also, we got a Google Chromecast so we could connect it together! This device is legit and the speakers on this thing are phenomenal.

QuietComfort® 35 Wireless Headphones II by Bose, I got G similar headphones to these, and they work like magic! G works for an architecture firm, as a Design and Model Manager ... needless to say he has to stay focused in order to be creative. These headphones are perfect! He's able to play his music or podcasts and totally stay focused during the work day. 

L'Homme Set by YVES SAINT LAURENT, This is G's favorite scent, and he and I both love it! He actually wore this cologne on our wedding day, after I purchased it for him while we were in engaged. I absolutely love the cologne on him, and he always makes sure he keeps a bottle of it!

What are some gifts you plan on getting the special man in your life?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

The A-List

Some of my favorite memories and belongings from this week ...

  • I have taken on the role to re-organize my closet. This process has been a serious task I must admit. I stumbled upon my wedding shoes made by Menbur that were worn last year in March. On my wedding day I opted for gold beaded, lace flats, which matched perfectly with my Maggie Sottero wedding gown. 
  • Vintage earrings that my Dad picked up for me when he was on his Naval deployment in Spain. He bought them for me when I was 9 years old, and had my Mom put them away until I was old enough for them. The earrings came with a matching necklace, and on my wedding day I opted to wear them - obviously there were my something old, they were simply perfect. My Dad was so shocked that I decided to wear them, and it meant the world to him.
  • Beautiful blooms in the Biltmore Estate Garden. G and I honeymooned at the Biltmore Estate, it is nestled in the mountains of Asheville, NC. The flowers were absolutely stunning and the scenery was breathtaking! G & I re-visited the estate for our one year anniversary, and did additional exurcsions and tours that we missed the first time around. It's such a peaceful and gorgeous place, also it doesn't hurt that there's a winery too! We are making it a plan to visit the estate once a year.
  • Earlier this year, G and I were able to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. It was one of the greatest and monumental experiences we had this year. We are definitely planning to go back for a second visit in the new year. The museum is bubbling with so much history, and it is truly an eye opening experience. We spent all day at the museum, and we made it our mission to see everything, ... but we absolutely need to go back, because we only saw 85% of that gorgeous building.
  • Our visit to Potomac Point Winery in Stafford, VA last spring. Not only were the wines amazing, but the view, food, and winery were to die for. Potomac Point is definitely on our list of favorite wineries in Virginia! We love stopping at the winery on our way to visit my best friend and her husband. 

What are some of your favorite memories?

XO, Analise

Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

Miss to Mrs.

Finding Mr. Right ...

In April of 2014, my mother texted me during the middle of my work meeting, and insisted that I go on a date with a young man ... 

My mother and I have a fantastic relationship, and even though I was not here for this blind date idea, she told me a little about him, and shortly there after I broke down, and gave into her "plan". I complied to her idea of this date, and with my permission she gave him my phone number.

During this time I was in my mid-20s, living in Richmond, VA, and dating someone new was the furthest thing from my mind.

A few days later, one evening I get a call, and I knew who it was ... "blind date guy". I picked up reluctantly, just knowing the conversation would last approximately 2 minutes, and 35 seconds ... instead it lasted for nearly an hour. He was smart, kind, funny, and wanted to know my favorite type of food, so that he could make reservations at a restaurant for our date. I was sort of smitten, but my wall was up and didn't know how this would pan out, but I knew I'd be getting calamari (FYI, I love calamari) out of the deal ... so what's the worst that could happen?

The day of our date, I was super nervous, and decided to wear a cobalt blue (which ended up being our wedding color) dress to the seafood restaurant where we would be meeting. My mother was thrilled, and super giddy ... it was a bit ridiculous if you ask me. 

I arrive to the restaurant, and here I see a man approach me (yes, my mother sent him my photo, and gave me his as well) with a single red rose ... seriously, I was blown away. We both got to the restaurant early, and decided to walk around the shopping center, G and I immediately connected. We loved the same things, art, comic books, family ... it was kind of creepy how well we got along.

After that date, on a Saturday evening, we made plans to keep in touch ... what I didn't expect was for him to meet my entire family on Mother's Day the next morning. He arrived at my parent's home before I traveled back to Richmond, VA, and met my whole family. I knew in that moment, he was indeed serious about keeping in touch ... and this would not be the last I saw of him. 

From that first date Mother's Day weekend, we never spent a weekend a part, for 5 months we travelled between Virginia Beach and Richmond, until I made the decision to return home and take a new job near my family. Four months after my move to Virginia Beach, G proposed, and hands down it was one of the easiest decisions I ever made in my life. 

Yet, little did we know, we both had to make several adjustments before either of us said "I do". G and I immediately started attending marriage ministry classes, it literally changed our relationship and lives. We put the work in very early to ensure our marriage was successful. G is a supportive partner and incredibly kind, but during this major, and exciting change in our life, I went through a lot to figure out my identity. 

Becoming someone's wife is amazing, but it can also be super overwhelming. Between the wedding planning process, and finding a house you'll make a home, you quickly get caught up in it all. I will never forget the day I finally changed my last name ... it was pretty scary, but kind of exciting. It was like this shift occurred, and it hit me ... oh gosh, I am someone's wife, and I'm so thrilled, but yet in a moment of shock. Being a wife is a major responsibility that I do not take lightly at all.

The biggest piece of advice I was given when we got married was, "Do not lose your identity, and make sure you stay the woman your husband fell in love with." This quote helped me remember who Analise truly was, even though I was taking on the last name of Gregory.

So, while I am now a Mrs., I'll always hold onto my core identity that I encompassed as a Miss. 

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography