The A-List

Here are some of my favorite things, moments, and memories from this past week ...

  1. Beautiful pink roses that G picked up from Trader Joe's. We always purchase flowers from TJ! They literally have the best flowers, and last 1,000 days.
  2. My sapphire and diamond ring, that I purchased on my 25th birthday almost 4 years ago. This ring was my something blue that I wore on our wedding day. It is literally one of my favorite items that I've ever owned and purchased.
  3. The Lincoln Memorial, in Washington D.C. We acted like tourists for the day, with my best friend and her husband over the summer. The four of us walked up the memorial steps and took in the view - it was simply breathtaking.
  4. We went to visit the National Gallery of Art in D.C. over the summer. The museum is massive, it had so many gorgeous pieces of art and sculptures. The building was absolutely amazing, and was brimming with wonderful exhibits.
  5. I surprised G with a downtown historic Segway tour of Richmond, VA for his birthday. We absolutely love the city, and all it has to offer. It was such a fun time! We had a ball taking in the wonderful city landscapes, and learning about its history.

What are your some of your favorite moments from this week?

XO, Analise

Holiday Cheer

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

The holidays can be a super fun time. It is filled with excitement, parties, yummy food, and love from family and friends. Yet, if you are not careful it can be super draining, and not so stellar. Here are my tips for staying happy and healthy during the holiday season!

  1. Do not over extend yourself. Like, I stated before, you will be hustling to someone's home for a party, baking, and attending family functions. Learn to set boundaries and not over extend yourself. It can be so easy to say "yes" to going to an event, but remember to pace yourself and learn when to take a step back and relax.
  2. Get your holiday shopping done early. While, this is most certainly the season to give, try to get your shopping completed as soon as possible, so that you can enjoy this fun time! People often poke fun at G and I, but we start our Christmas shopping in the summer! Yes, and we are always done by Halloween. We like to spend the holidays spoiling each other and getting our home decorated for the season. 
  3. Try not to over indulge. For me the holidays means lots of wine, champagne, and food! Yet, after the holiday season I may regret going a little too hard on the baked goods. So, I try to pace myself, and balance what I'm eating and drinking during this festive time.
  4. Give back. During this time, not everyone is fortunate and may not have a lot of loved ones around them. Being a former Navy Brat, my Dad was not home for several holidays when I was little. It was so nice when people reached out to ensure that we were okay and having a fun time. Take some time to volunteer, or just connect with a family who may not have a loved one around them during the season.
  5. Surround yourself with love and positivity. Remember the holidays are supposed to be fun! Ensure that you are around people who are positive, loving, and a lot of fun. Enjoy the holiday season with amazing people at your side who love and adore you.

What are some things you do to ensure you have an amazing holiday? Have a safe and fantastic holiday season darlings!

XO, Analise

Stocking Stuffers

Still trying to figure out what to stuff those stockings with? Have no fear, I have searched Nordstrom's site for a few items for the ladies and 'gents!

  1. Wine Stopper. I have an assortment of the cutest wine stoppers. They come in handy when your cork breaks or when you are hosting a few people at your home. This gift is perfect for the wine lover in your life.
  2. Tie & Pocket Square Set. This is perfect for the dapper gentleman who loves to get dressed up. Perfect for work or date night, this will be a hit for the man in your life.
  3. Fitbit. This is perfect, especially for all of those New Year's Resolutions coming up! This gadget checks the individuals heart rate, and tracks their activity. Perfect for the person who loves fitness!
  4. Grooming Set. This is ideal for the man who is on the go and wants to look perfect. The set comes with cleanser, shaving cream, and moisturizer. 
  5. Bracelet. This bracelet, is absolutely cute and carries a meaningful message. It is perfect for the lady in your life who is in pursuit of accomplishing major goals.
  6. Body Butter & Scrub. I personally love this brand, and this body scrub is fantastic. Whenever I use this my skin glows and feels so soft. 
  7. Earrings. These earrings are absolutely stunning and are great with any outfit! I have a similar pair and wear them quite often - they are definitely a keeper!
  8. Wallet. Grab this item for the man in your life, who loves to be super stylish. I got G, a wallet similar to this, and actually stuffed it with a few gift cards to his favorite places, like restaurants and stores! It was absolutely perfect because not only did he need a wallet upgrade, but it came loaded with gift cards that he could use. 
  9. Necklace. This necklace is perfect for a lady who loves style. It is personalized and sentimental. You can get it for a lady who just changed her last name, or have it represent her first initial of her name - either way it is perfect!
  10. Headphones. This is essential for the person on the go! These headphones are perfect for the office or the gym. I'm always listening to music or a good podcast, and these are ideal for both!

What are some goodies you are getting to stuff stockings?

XO, Analise

Uncorked: Virginia Wines

“I don’t want to talk. I want to eat too many fries and drink way too much wine ...” - Olivia Pope

One thing you will come to find out about me is that wine and I have a fantastic relationship! I love going to wineries and vineyards - not only to drink wine (duh!), but to learn about the wine-making process, and all of the varietals. Call me a wine snob, haha, but in the Gregory household we take it super serious.  I'm breaking down my top 5 favorite Virginia wineries and vineyards - in no particular order of course, because all wine is created equal.

  1. Williamsburg Winery This winery holds a special place in my heart. G and I had our third date at this winery, and he asked me to be his girlfriend that day. We took our engagement photos there during the Spring in 2015. Also, my two best friends Alisha and Tiffany, helped my Mama throw me the most perfect bridal shower. Williamsburg Winery is in such a beautiful location, and tucked away in historic Williamsburg. Most importantly their wines are phenomenal. Fave Wine: The Adagio
  2. Upper Shirley Vineyards This vineyard literally blew me away. It is a fairly new vineyard, but my gosh their wines are fantastic. This vineyard is outside of Richmond, VA, and sits on one of the most gorgeous pieces of land ever. Also, be sure to check out their restaurant - it is amazing and super delicious! Fave Wine: The Tannat
  3. Saude Creek Vineyards The view of this vineyard is breathtaking, and the wines are simply to die for. The staff is super sweet and so knowledgeable. This vineyard also sits outside of Richmond, VA. Fave Wine: The Syrah
  4. Jefferson Vineyards Of course I cannot forget to mention this lovely vineyard. The Jefferson Vineyards was one of the first vineyards I ever tried when I was living in Charlottesville during undergrad. I fell in love with pretty much all of their wines, and the staff is so kind and accommodating. Fave Wine: The Meritage
  5. Stone Tower Winery When my best friend Alisha along with her husband took G and I to this gorgeous winery, we fell in love with this wonderful location. It is tucked outside of Ashburn, VA and my God the view is phenomenal. The wines are fantastic, along with their impeccable service. Definitely a must try! Fave Wine: Wild Boar Rose Cuvee

What are some of your favorite wineries?

XO, Analise


Photo Credit: Shannon Moffit Photography

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Recipe: The Goods

"Bake the world a better place."

I absolutely love baking, and lucky for me my entire family loves it when I do! My go to baked goods are chocolate chip pecan cookies, and fudge brownies with nuts or chocolate chips in them! I love hopping in the kitchen with my KitchenAid Stand Mixer , and watching my Real Housewives on Bravo!, while G does his famous quality control taste testing on the treats, ha :)

Below are my recipes for both items, and with the holidays coming up I'm making both of these goodies - otherwise I'm sure my family would disown me!

Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies

First, mix the following ingredients together for about 30-45 seconds:

  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 sticks of softened butter
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla

Then gradually mix in the following items into the mixture above for about 2 minutes:

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 3 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

Finally, my favorite part, adding in the chocolate chips and chopped pecans!

  • 6 ounces of dark chocolate chips
  • 6 ounces of pecans

Then roll each cookie, place then on baking sheet with parchment paper, heat the oven to 375 degrees, and bake for about 10-12 minutes. 

* Pro tip, add a dash of cinnamon to the cookies, or add a extra handful of pecans!

Fudge Brownies

First melt the following ingredients: 

  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 4 squares of unsweetened chocolate 

Then mix the following items for about 2 minutes:

  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 3 eggs (blend in each egg, one at a time)

Next, add the cooled chocolate to the previous mixture with 1 cup of all-purpose flour and mix for about 30 seconds. Throw in pecans or chocolate chips into the better, about 1 cup each.

Bake brownies for about 40-45 minutes, at 350 degrees. 

* Pro tip, I use a glass pan, and use parchment paper in the pan to get those goodies out of the pan easy and with no mess. Also, when cutting the brownies in those perfect squares, once they cool, use a plastic knife! The metal knife often times break the brownies, causing them to stick to the knife.

What are some of your favorite goodies to eat or bake? Enjoy!

XO, Analise


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