
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Graduation day can come with a series of mixed feelings. You are excited, relieved, happy, and sad - a whirlwind of emotions. It is an amazing time and also, a very scary time - a major transition is happening! Also, while you have just achieved a huge milestone, there are so many more to come ahead.

Today I'm sharing my best advice for recent college and upcoming high school graduates.

Make a plan. It is super important to have a plan in place. Whether you are going to college, or hopping straight into the workforce - define a path that's best for you. For me, after high school, I went to an university and immediately knew what my major would be. After college, I had a job waiting for me in the career field of my choice. I've always been super organized and knew exactly what I wanted. Making plans have really helped me navigate my path and hone in on what was important for me. Your plan doesn't have to be perfect (and will change whether you like it or not), but it should be outlined in order for you to reach your goals.

Know who you are. It is really important to know what you like and who you are. Determine what your values are, and the things you enjoy. Knowing these key pieces will help you navigate your journey so much easier. Of course, your taste and style will change and evolve, but it is important to never stray away from who you are. Staying true, and being consistent in all areas of your life will carry you very far.

Nothing will be easy. There will always be challenges, and you will be tested, but know that those moments are temporary - even though they feel like an eternity. Stay strong in moments of adversity and take every situation as a learning experience. Know that every moment you encounter is strengthening and building your character.

Keep in touch. It's so important to keep the friendships and relationships you made while in school. You don't have to speak to them each and every day, but try super hard to stay connected. Whether it's a school reunion, social media, or attending a friend's wedding - it's essential to keep those bonds. Some of my closest friendships are the ones from college, and they absolutely mean the world to me.

It's okay to fail. Failing is not the end of the world, and through those times you learn so much. Some of my biggest failures, turned out to be my greatest blessings. I'm an absolute better woman learning what worked and didn't work so well for me. Also, the doors that are often closed aren't always meant for you - and that is totally fine. Take the time to explore, research, and understand what's the best fit and makes the most sense for you. It is absolutely worth it to take a few risks!

Congrats grad and good luck!

XO, Analise

Sky's the Limit

"Passion is what gives meaning to our lives. It's what allows us to achieve success beyond our wildest imagination. Try to find a career path that you have a passion for." - Henry Samueli

Happy Monday everyone! I have super exciting news to share. Today I started a brand new position within my company. I was promoted to Product Manager in a new division. I'm extremely excited to be back in a more technical role and working with a brand new team.

Today I'm sharing some tips on how to land your next role in your career!

  1. Develop your personal brand. Networking is key in developing your brand. Meeting and knowing various people within your industry or organization is essential. Not only are you able to meet amazing folks, but you're able to broaden your knowledge on various topics.
  2. Mentorship. I'm very fortunate to have multiple mentors. For me, knowledge is power, and the more I can learn the better! Having mentors also ensures that I'm accountable for my actions. A great mentor will make sure you stay on track. My mentors always pushed me to be my absolute best. Also, I've been a mentor to a few people as well. I'm able to assist others on their career path. It is a rewarding feeling to watch people grow, and it is a challenge for me as well to make sure I'm on my game as well!
  3. Clearly state your goals. A very wise woman once told me, "Clearly state your goals or someone else will do it for you." I quickly learned that if I didn't make my own decisions and stick to my guns, that someone else would do it for me. Make your intentions clear and well known! Soon after that advice was given to me, I made sure I'd clearly state my intentions and goals in all situations.
  4. Keep your eye on the prize. Once you state your career goals, it's time to put in the work. Make sure you outline everything action that needs to be made in order to get to that next step. This is an important time to identify and develop your skill-set.
  5. Expand your knowledge. It is so important to learn how to do your existing job well. Once you learn your role begin to start exploring how to do the next job. Whether you want to get another degree or complete a professional certification, it is essential to grow your knowledge. 

Below are three amazing books that helped me take my career to the next level!

XO, Analise


"One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am." - Michelle Obama

Happy Thursday everyone! We are in the second quarter of the new year, and time is already flying by. At the beginning of a new season, I reflect on what I've accomplished, as well as what's still ahead to be done! Whether you are trying to reach a new fitness goal or professional certification, it is always good to determine your next steps.

Today, I am sharing my tips on setting and accomplishing your goals!

  1. Put it in writing. At the beginning of each year I write down a few goals for the new season. Writing my goals helps me visualize the statement. Also, when you clearly state a goal it makes the task more realistic.
  2. Be positive. When you are in the process of achieving a goal it can be challenging and frustrating. Always remain calm and positive in the midst of accomplishing a task. It will be hard, but remain focused on the goal and do not let anyone or anything deter you.
  3. Stay on track. The journey in completing a goal is not an easy one. Always remember to stay focused and never give up. Limit distractions and naysayers to ensure you meet your target goal. Consistency is key!
  4. Have a realistic approach. Make sure the goal is realistic and achievable. Also, it is important the steps in getting to your goal are identified early on. Rome wasn't built in a day! Be patient and work hard to make your dream come true. 
  5. Set a timeline. Setting a date to your goal helps you stay focused. When you set a timeline, it's key to determine if your goal is short or long term. Once that is identified, begin to work towards that date. If you miss your date, it's okay! Always reassess and re-evaluate your goals and adjust as needed.

What are some of the ways you achieve your goals?

XO, Analise


"My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused." - Ashton Eaton

Life can get so busy and a little overwhelming! It's very important to make time for yourself and get some much needed relaxation.

Below are a few ways I like to unwind and clear my head during stressful moments.

  • Unplug. The best way for me to decrease my stress quickly is by ditching the phone, TV, laptop, or tablet. Personally, my phone can be a great distraction. All of the alerts and messages can be so intense. Try to limit "screen time" when you can in those busy moments.

Tip: Utilize the "do not disturb" feature on your phone. I turn the feature on between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. Also, I've made a modification so that a few people can bypass that in a case of emergency. This helps me wind down in the evenings and get a good night's sleep.

  • Go for a walk. This is something that I do during the work week a lot. It can be so hard breaking away from meetings and your co-workers. I try to go for a 30 minute walk each day to clear my head. It's a fantastic way to relieve some stress and knock out the second half of the day!

Tip: Pack a pair of sneakers and put them on for walk during your lunch break!

  • Breathe. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I'll take a moment to collect my thoughts and slow down. This is a bit challenging for me since I'm constantly on the go. For me, it is super important to pump the breaks a bit and smell the roses.

Tip: Find a quiet spot to collect your thoughts. Essential oils and candles help me out a lot during this moment.

  • Play music. Music is one of many things that I love. It also reduces my stress greatly! I make my own playlists for different moods and situations. Music is a great outlet and always helps me feel a lot better.

Tip: Spotify has the best playlists to decompress and relax.

What are some ways you unwind?

XO, Analise