
"My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused." - Ashton Eaton

Life can get so busy and a little overwhelming! It's very important to make time for yourself and get some much needed relaxation.

Below are a few ways I like to unwind and clear my head during stressful moments.

  • Unplug. The best way for me to decrease my stress quickly is by ditching the phone, TV, laptop, or tablet. Personally, my phone can be a great distraction. All of the alerts and messages can be so intense. Try to limit "screen time" when you can in those busy moments.

Tip: Utilize the "do not disturb" feature on your phone. I turn the feature on between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. Also, I've made a modification so that a few people can bypass that in a case of emergency. This helps me wind down in the evenings and get a good night's sleep.

  • Go for a walk. This is something that I do during the work week a lot. It can be so hard breaking away from meetings and your co-workers. I try to go for a 30 minute walk each day to clear my head. It's a fantastic way to relieve some stress and knock out the second half of the day!

Tip: Pack a pair of sneakers and put them on for walk during your lunch break!

  • Breathe. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I'll take a moment to collect my thoughts and slow down. This is a bit challenging for me since I'm constantly on the go. For me, it is super important to pump the breaks a bit and smell the roses.

Tip: Find a quiet spot to collect your thoughts. Essential oils and candles help me out a lot during this moment.

  • Play music. Music is one of many things that I love. It also reduces my stress greatly! I make my own playlists for different moods and situations. Music is a great outlet and always helps me feel a lot better.

Tip: Spotify has the best playlists to decompress and relax.

What are some ways you unwind?

XO, Analise

Take Care

"Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort." – Deborah Day

Self-care is something I take very seriously and try to practice. Life can be so busy and overwhelming, it's important to make moments just for you.

Today I'm sharing a few ways I take care of myself on a consistent basis.

  1. Massage therapy. I've been getting massages for seven years now, and it done wonders for me. I see my therapist at least once a month, and it's so worth it. Getting a massage regularly helps reduce my headaches and stress levels. It also increases blood flow throughout the body!
  2. Workout consistently. I workout 3-4 times a week at minimum. Cycle, running, yoga, a regular gym routine are my preferred ways to burn off steam. It is so nice to have some downtime in the gym. It is important for me to really focus on myself and the goals I've set in my fitness journey.
  3. Reading. One of my favorite things to do is to curl up on the couch with a great book. I've enjoyed reading since I was kid, and continue to now as an adult. Lately I've been enjoying autobiographies. I really love to learn about other people and their life experiences. This activity really helps me to expand my knowledge and to grow as an individual. 
  4. Eating healthy and mindfully. It is true what they say, abs are made in the kitchen. I try to ensure that I'm eating a balanced diet. Of course have a cheat meal every now and then, but make it a habit to eat veggies and fruit each day. 
  5. Celebrate successes. Whether it is a small or big milestone, it's important to recognize special moments. I'm making an effort to try and find the good in every situation while being positive. G and I even keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge just in case we need to celebrate something!

What are some ways you take care of yourself?

XO, Analise