
"My key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused." - Ashton Eaton

Life can get so busy and a little overwhelming! It's very important to make time for yourself and get some much needed relaxation.

Below are a few ways I like to unwind and clear my head during stressful moments.

  • Unplug. The best way for me to decrease my stress quickly is by ditching the phone, TV, laptop, or tablet. Personally, my phone can be a great distraction. All of the alerts and messages can be so intense. Try to limit "screen time" when you can in those busy moments.

Tip: Utilize the "do not disturb" feature on your phone. I turn the feature on between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. Also, I've made a modification so that a few people can bypass that in a case of emergency. This helps me wind down in the evenings and get a good night's sleep.

  • Go for a walk. This is something that I do during the work week a lot. It can be so hard breaking away from meetings and your co-workers. I try to go for a 30 minute walk each day to clear my head. It's a fantastic way to relieve some stress and knock out the second half of the day!

Tip: Pack a pair of sneakers and put them on for walk during your lunch break!

  • Breathe. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I'll take a moment to collect my thoughts and slow down. This is a bit challenging for me since I'm constantly on the go. For me, it is super important to pump the breaks a bit and smell the roses.

Tip: Find a quiet spot to collect your thoughts. Essential oils and candles help me out a lot during this moment.

  • Play music. Music is one of many things that I love. It also reduces my stress greatly! I make my own playlists for different moods and situations. Music is a great outlet and always helps me feel a lot better.

Tip: Spotify has the best playlists to decompress and relax.

What are some ways you unwind?

XO, Analise